
You're determined to reach the top of your game and will stop at nothing to get there. Draw on your natural leadership ability to launch an ambitious project. Putting together a team of hard-working people will guarantee your success. People respect your courage and determination. They also appreciate how you encourage creative people to push their talent to the limit. Instead of being afraid when someone makes a bold proposal, you encourage them to run with it. It's no wonder you are so popular on the professional front.

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Nobody can convince you to go against your conscience. Your reputation for being highly ethical drives manipulators from your door. If you see someone is taking advantage of a friend, neighbour or relative, be vocal about what is happening. There's a good chance a loved one will continue to associate with this particular person. You can't break up this relationship, but you can go on record as disapproving of this alliance. Your suspicions will be proven correct sooner than anyone expected.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You don't want to be obligated to others. If debts are weighing on your heart, it's time to take control of your financial situation. Contact your creditors to ask if they will eliminate the interest rate if you meet your obligation by a certain date. Your romantic or business partner is doing well financially. Save as much of their income as possible. Having a nest egg will take the pressure off your relationship, allowing you to laugh and love as you did when you first met.

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You are cautious about sharing finances with a business or romantic partner. You've worked hard for your money and have no intention of putting it at risk. Let down your defences. Put a portion of your earnings into a joint account. You'll be delighted to discover your other half is very good with investments. They'll put some seed money into a service or product that becomes wildly popular. At that point, you can both retire in leisure. It's time to branch out.

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You're serious, thoughtful and resourceful at work. Unlike some hot-headed colleagues, you're able to deal with difficult clients. Because of this superpower, you should be given a raise. Your boss must admit that you are responsible for maintaining customer satisfaction. Are you unemployed? You'll get a wonderful job offer involving the arts. At first, the pay won't be significant. You'll have to struggle to make ends meet. After proving your worth, you'll be given a handsome salary that reflects your worth.

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You don't put your creative work on display. You'd much rather show it privately to people who you think will appreciate it. Stop hiding your light under a bushel. The sooner you go public with your talent, the more successful you will be. An intelligent agent or manager will see the superior quality of your work and ask to represent you. Having someone to attend to the business side of things will allow your imagination to run wild. Set aside your reservations and sign a contract with this representative.

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A secure family life gives you the courage of your convictions. Whenever you feel uncertain, your nearest and dearest will reassure you that you are on your path. Take their encouragement to heart. You've been blessed with great instincts. Use them to find a home. Relocating to a part of the world that makes you feel like you're constantly on holiday is strongly advised. A tasteful person like you needs to be surrounded by beauty to thrive. Stop thinking in terms of what is practical. Obey your heart's desire instead.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Be cautiously optimistic about an upcoming trip. Although you won't be able to do everything you like, you will still have a wonderful time. Resist the temptation to burn the candle at both ends. Adopt a measured pace that promotes relaxation. Visiting a friend or relative will restore your zest for life. You'll enjoy making the rounds of restaurants, shops and places of historic interest together. This journey might even inspire a creative project of your own. Bring a sketch pad or recording device to keep your ideas.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Protect your valuables. Store shopping bags and equipment in the boot of your car, rather than on the seat. Lock your doors and cabinets, even if you feel like you're in a safe area. Above all, upgrade your passwords and don't share them with others. A luxury item you've always wanted will go on sale. Take this opportunity to purchase it, even if it means dipping into your savings account. This treasure will give you a lifetime of happiness.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Being given an important job fills you with pleasure and pride. It's nice to know your employer trusts you with critical tasks. You're the right person for this position, as you project an air of calm assurance in everything you do. People feel secure working with you. They're inspired to do their very best, knowing you will reward the best performers. As a result, your division will emerge as the most productive and profitable in the entire organisation. Don't be surprised when you're given an award.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're deeply sensitive to other people's needs. Sometimes, this can cause you great pain. You can't possibly help someone who is their own worst enemy. Be good to yourself. If this means waiting a few hours before responding to their calls, so be it. Anxiety is causing problems for you. Getting a massage, practicing relaxation techniques or taking a solitary break will restore your equilibrium. Lavish yourself with love; you deserve it. Practicing self-care makes you a better friend, colleague and romantic partner.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're reluctantly setting lofty goals because you're afraid you won't be able to realise them. It's important to remember that if you can conceive something, you can also achieve it. Instead of imagining the worst-case scenario, believe you will be successful. Friends will boost your morale. They have always admired your artistic ability. Lean on them for encouragement when you experience creative blocks or doubt your worth. They'll be right there to cheer you across the finish line.

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