
Your financial situation is getting better. Venturing into new territory will pay off handsomely. Don't be afraid to be a beginner. An enthusiastic teacher will come forward to help you. Although you dislike being closely supervised, it's sometimes necessary when you're put in a different role. Try not to be resentful if someone is put in charge of monitoring your progress. By making friends with your supervisor, you'll impress both your peers and superiors. It's never too late to change direction.

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Taking a break from the action is strongly advised. You've always been a hard worker. At times, your determination to be productive makes you go overboard. Instead of plunging into another busy day, enjoy a relaxing interlude. Take a stroll into town to enjoy the Christmas decorations. Luxuriate on a scented bathtub. Take a long nap in the middle of the afternoon. Chores can wait for another time. The family won't fall apart if you order takeout food instead of cooking a balanced meal.

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A friend will introduce you to a writer, musician or filmmaker you really like. This will prompt you to enjoy all the material this artist has created. It feels wonderful to get swept away by a tide of beauty and excitement. Joining an appreciation group will open the door to rewarding relationships. If you're looking for love, you'll find it with someone who shares your passion. Do you already have a partner? Having an interest outside of your bond will be good for you both.

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Don't procrastinate when it comes to work matters. The chance to land an exciting new position will fall into your lap. Although you're nervous about making a career move, it's important to throw your hat in the ring. You're a strong candidate who can greatly benefit from a change of scenery. Be prepared to expand your technological skills. Your new employer will be happy to pay for additional training. Are you happy with the status quo? Think about ways to improve efficiency in your office.

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Finishing old business will be liberating. You're ready to get to turn your attention to a budding relationship. Joining forces with someone who is bold and innovative will be beneficial. Learning how to navigate social media or operate cutting edge technology will open doors for you, both personally and professionally. If you're looking for love, there's a chance you will embark on a passionate relationship with this expert. You adore their boundless energy and they admire your creative talent.

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Help a relative get rid of their belongings. You'll walk away with a few nice pieces of furniture, as well as some sentimental keepsakes. Be sensitive when sorting through these possessions. Your family member is undergoing a big change and needs lots of emotional support. Instead of teasing them for being attached to certain bits and pieces, try to empathise. How would you feel if you were in their position? Treat them to a meal after you finish the task; end things on an upbeat note.

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Instead of deferring to your best friend, romantic partner or business associate, be more assertive. When you're forthcoming about your desires and expectations, your relationship will become stronger. In the past, you were afraid to be direct. The prospect of rocking the boat made you uneasy. Now you realise it's better to generate temporary conflict than let resentments simmer. Besides, you have many great ideas. Stop being afraid to get them out there.

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Taking up a new sport will stop you from getting bored with your fitness routine. If you're just starting to exercise, think about hiring a personal trainer. Having someone to show you effective ways to get in shape will be reassuring. When your resolve starts to falter, your coach will give you the necessary encouragement to continue. Investing in your health will pay off in surprising ways. Not only will you be more energised, but you'll also adopt a more optimistic outlook.

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Go ahead and splash out on a treat. Make reservations at a fancy restaurant, purchase an attractive outfit or buy a status symbol. You're not especially materialistic, but you do enjoy a taste of luxury from time to time. Using your hard earned cash to satisfy your sensual side will be uplifting. Have you developed a crush on someone? Ask them out on a date. Instead of offering to hang out together, propose a specific outing. The object of your affection will be flattered by your forethought.

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A property deal will put more money in your pocket. Whether you're buying or selling, you'll come out of this transaction in a much stronger position. Do you want to buy a place but lack the money for a deposit? Start working on making your dreams come true. Spend a few minutes each day envisioning your ideal home. Use the power of your imagination to attract opportunities to become a home owner. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it.

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Updating your computer skills will make life much easier. Whether you're trying to navigate social media or simply trying to make the most of your home computer, a tech savvy friend can help. With their assistance, you'll be able to take full advantage of Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. This will be especially empowering if you have your own business. There's nothing better than free publicity. Knowing how to capture the public's imagination is a specialty of yours.

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Working for an employer that is based overseas will be profitable. There's even a chance you could move to a foreign country for the sake of work. Be open to making a major change; it will work to your advantage. If you're unemployed, you can make a good living working for a new segment of the community. Providing goods and service to young people, immigrants or a growing movement will be satisfying. Trust your instincts; when it comes to making money.

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