
Your urge to reach the top will cause you to make a bold move. The secret to your success is a willingness to evolve. Just because you perform certain tasks at work doesn't mean you should be held to these tasks. Make an effort to learn new skills. Branch into a different department. Take advantage of a company offered course. If you want to enter a more challenging field, hitch your star to an executive in this industry. They'll be happy to show you the ropes.

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Expanding your horizons is critical at this juncture. There's never been a better time to garner knowledge, take a trip overseas, or learn how to play a musical instrument. You soak up information like a sponge. If you have a partner, rely on their support. You're moving into the big leagues now and need someone who understands the real you. Change is always challenging for an Earth sign. When your courage starts to falter, ask your loved one for a pep talk.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You focus on problems like a laser and won't back down until they are solved. Some colleagues think you're overly fastidious. Don't worry about their opinion. The person you should impress is your boss. Winning their approval will set you on a whole new career path. You enjoy what you do, but need more creative stimulation. Write a lavish description of your dream job and then see what you can do about landing it. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Although you value your privacy, you don't have much interest in living alone. Adopting a pet could give you the companionship you need. A nurturing person like you needs to care for others. Whether this is a relative, roommate, animal or child is immaterial. The important thing is to find an outlet for your caring instincts. If a loved one has a birthday coming up, assemble a photo album as their gift. You'll have lots of fun going through old pictures and choosing ones that will make the biggest impact.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You'll get a tremendous amount of work done, which is greatly appreciated. Many of your colleagues waste time gossiping. You're never adverse to a chat, but only when your chores are done. That's why you'll be given a raise or promotion. If there isn't enough money in the budget to give you a bump, you might have a chance to work from home. It will come as a tremendous relief to escape a commute, even if it's only for a couple of times a week.

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The spotlight is on you, which makes you a little uncomfortable. It feels good to be recognised for doing a good job. You've worked long and hard to get to this point. Go ahead and bask in the glory. If you're looking for love, you could find it with an intense newcomer. You appreciate their ability to express their feelings, while they admire your discretion. Together, you could make a very happy couple. Do you have a lover? Take this opportunity to pen a heartfelt love letter.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You're very protective of loved ones. If this means taking an extra job to pay for a child's lessons, so be it. Don't get sucked into the trap of showering your young friend with a lot of status symbols. If they have an interest in painting, go ahead and spring for a class. An expensive smartphone or computer can wait. Encourage this youngster to earn their own money. This will be the most valuable and the most profitable lesson you'll ever pass on to them.

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A public presentation will go over extremely well. You're poised, well informed and perfectly prepared. This performance will lead to a series of paying jobs. The extra income will make you breathe a sigh of relief. You're tired of struggling to make ends meet. It's nice to see you putting your communication skills to use. Be sure to return a phone call. Someone has been anxious to hear from you. They've got some big news. Prepare for a shock.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Take time to smell the flowers. You will be entering a very busy period, so it's a good idea to charge your batteries now. Indulge your luxurious side. This could involve anything from soaking in a hot bath to splurging on a gourmet dinner to wearing silk underwear. It doesn't matter how you pamper yourself, so long as you make an effort. Fortunately, it looks as though you will have a little extra money coming in. Go ahead and spend some on yourself.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're determined to be the best at everything you do. Normally, this is not a problem, as you always outshine the competition. This time could be a little different, as you are facing some very gifted rivals. If you detect a vulnerable spot in your own arsenal, seek to strengthen it. Take a class, get more practice and ask for constructive feedback. Be open to hearing some negative comments about your performance. You can't get better unless you know what you're doing wrong.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It gives you pleasure to come to the rescue of an underdog. You're tired of seeing this victim get abused by selfish bullies. A political, cultural, or educational leader is impressed by your brave stance. Don't be surprised if you're invited to their office. It may develop that you are the ideal candidate for a job in their organisation. The prospect of reforming an outmoded institution appeals to you. With your assistance, this place could finally start serving people who are in need of help.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're ready to take up a new trend, even at the risk of looking foolish. In time, people will understand you were on the cutting edge. Visiting a country that is off the beaten trail will be illuminating. You'll witness a different way of life that is quite liberating. Many of your troubles are the result of limited thinking. Steeping yourself in a different culture makes you realise there are infinite possibilities. Stop choosing the conventional path; you already know where that leads.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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