
You're impulsive and ready to go, but your loved ones are reluctant to make changes. It's important to obey your instincts, as they are urging you to take a more rewarding path. Starting a project, relocating to another area or changing your image are all possible. Home life recharges your batteries. Be alert to your emotions. They'll tell you when it's time to slow down. By resisting the urge to push yourself past the brink of exhaustion, you'll reach success.

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Don't make happiness conditional on your surroundings. If you practice being joyful regardless of your present circumstances, you will manifest wonderful things beyond your wildest dreams. Stop dwelling on what's going wrong and celebrate the fact you are here. Great things are on the horizon. Positive feedback about an art project fills you with happiness. You've always been good with your hands. Activities like pottery, baking and gardening bring out the best in you. People will pay good money for you to make things of beauty for them.

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If things aren't going your way, you should change direction. You're not the type to tolerate being treated badly. When people don't give you the respect you deserve, you simply shrug your shoulders and move on to greener pastures. It's an empowering attitude. If you're looking for work, apply to companies that specialise in domestic products and services. Making people's home lives more comfortable will be very profitable for you. You have good instincts about what motivates people to make big purchases.

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You're eager to build something of lasting value. Having a satisfying career has always been important to you. You're not content with being a cog in the machine; you want to control the flow of motion. Bringing stability to vulnerable people is especially rewarding. People appreciate your sensitivity. They often confess their fears to you, knowing you won't make them feel foolish for having them. These intimate exchanges pave the way to close relationships. A good listener like you is never lonely.

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You're not content to rest on your laurels; it's time to embark on a new adventure. Going on a long-distance trip or taking an advanced course will be lots of fun. You'll welcome the change of pace. Your experience will have a spiritual quality. Visiting a place that uplifts and inspires you is strongly advised. If you're going to university, explore a subject that has deep inner meaning. Although you adore creature comforts, you take real strength from your relationship with a higher power.

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Uncovering vital information is exhilarating. You've always been very good at research. A long trip at a library or archive will cause you to strike gold. Once you learn what really happened to a person, you'll be much more sympathetic towards them. A party for an old friend is worth attending. Push yourself to go, even if you feel tired. Once you arrive, your energy will come soaring back. It will be fun catching up with a person who always makes you laugh.

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It's up to you to bring peace to a contentious situation. You're the only person in the group that everybody likes. If the group is going to come together, you'll have to set a respectful tone. Resist the temptation to get drawn into power plays. All eyes will be on you at a glamorous gathering. Splash out on a special outfit for this event. When you look good, you feel good. You'll be given a variety of professional opportunities that draw on your creative talent.

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Being of service helps you out of a bad mood. When the world seems uncaring, it's up to you to change the dynamic. Help a stranger who is struggling with heavy bags or put money into a parking meter that is about to expire. Your positive energy is infectious. It also attracts similarly philanthropic people. When you're surrounded by those who are similarly kind and caring, it becomes much easier to have faith in the Universe. Suddenly, love, luck and money will flow freely to you.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your star power is obvious; commanding the spotlight is child's play. Take this opportunity to audition for a role, interview for a job or go on a first date. You'll charm everyone you meet. Feel free to put work on the back burner. Abandoning yourself to fun will put you in the path to love. If you're already in a relationship, your amour won't be able to keep their hands off you. If you're single, you'll feel a deep connection with someone who has a silly sense of humour.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're intensely private and don't like when people ask probing questions. In this era of reality television, everybody seems eager to discuss the intimate details of their lives. Stop feeling pressured to follow this trend. Feel free to tell a nosy parker to back off. An intimate relationship is what you really desire. If you and your romantic partner have grown apart, take this opportunity to spend quality time together. It's easy to reconnect while sharing meals, doing puzzles and taking walks.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Getting a change of scenery lifts your spirits. Take a road trip to a nearby city that has always intrigued you. Just wandering the streets will be inspiring. Nothing gets your creative juices flowing more than experiencing new sights, sounds and sensations. A job offer will be waiting when you come home. Doing work for a relative will be more fun than expected. Not only will they appreciate your work, but they'll recommend you to all their friends. This begins a steady stream of lucrative assignments.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're very patient when it comes to cultivating business. Instead of expecting overnight results, you take the time to develop a loyal customer base. Having good relationships with the people you serve is both emotionally and financially enriching. This makes work seem more like play. Someone will confess a crush on you. Being wanted and desired makes your confidence soar. Use your self-confidence to launch a creative project that fills you with excitement. Giving your imagination an outlet makes you even more attractive.

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