
You've always had a strong sense of self, but someone may be encroaching on these boundaries. Find a kind but firm way to put this person back in their place. Whether they are asking highly impertinent questions, poking into your business, or shuffling through your private property, it's time to put an end to the situation. Their wounded pride will eventually heal, although it may take some time - they will have learned a valuable lesson.

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Freeing yourself of a restrictive relationship may be complex and difficult, but necessary. Although you enjoy close companionship, there is such a thing as being too wrapped up in one another. A temporary separation may be in order. Perhaps going on a vacation all by yourself can help restore your confidence. You'll be able to think more clearly when you're out of this person's orbit. It will be a relief to go solo for awhile.

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Obsessive attitudes may be creating an unhealthy pattern for yourself. If somebody has been recommending a particular kind of therapy, give it a try. This could be the psychological, emotional or physical breakthrough you've been longing for. Feel free to consider unconventional methods that sound crazy to your logical mind. Sometimes the strangest ideas are the ones that are most effective. The inventor of penicillin probably met with sceptics, too. Of course, visiting a physician won't hurt in this instance either!

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You're anxious to enjoy more free time, which means cutting back on certain responsibilities. A clean break is best, but don't be surprised if the people involved are angered by your exit. It's not easy to find someone as competent and compassionate as you. Refuse to feel guilty. Hobbies are a means of developing your creativity. If you don't have time for the activities you love, you're the one who will suffer most.

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Consider your feelings before entering into a partnership with a magnetic or charismatic person. Do you really enjoy this person's company, or is the prospect of being seen together too exciting to resist? One thing is sure: someone with your passionate nature can't fake it. If your motives are less than pure, the object of your desires will find out. This applies to both business and romantic unions. Don't sign any contracts unless you're totally committed to the project or person.

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Sudden changes to your routine can throw you off loop, but try to be flexible. Perhaps there is a way to communicate your frustration to the powers-that-be? If not, you'll just have to cope with the situation as best you can. Helpful neighbours and colleagues can show you ways in which to reduce your stress load. There's never been a better time to nestle under a mentor's wing. Steer clear of bossy, know-it-all types who use one-upmanship to down your achievements.

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You may have to suffer a financial loss to break free of an unhappy relationship. Don't dwell on the energy you've spent or the gifts that you've given; nobody can put a price on your freedom. If you feel that you've been genuinely taken advantage of, it may be necessary to go to court. Even so, there will be some impact on your personal economy or resources. Make up for any loss by revelling in your new-found freedom.

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It's a wee bit difficult to focus on your objectives, mainly because you don't know what you want. Your head may be telling you one thing while your heart is dragging you in a different direction. If that's the case, table a personal motion to come to your decision later in the week. New, fascinating facts may come to light that will make it easier to formulate a plan of action. Don't let pushy authority figures talk you into unsatisfactory arrangements.

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You'd love to dispense some pearls of wisdom, but you're just not in the right position. The best you can do is lend a sympathetic ear. It's possible that a person in distress wants you to make their decisions for them. This is definitely a losing proposition. Avoid being a scapegoat at all costs. If this means leaving this sad soul alone for a while, so be it. You can't be responsible for such heavy responsibilities and they'll be quick enough to turn on you if your choices don't work out.

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You hate answering to red tape or control freaks in your area of expertise. Perhaps it's better to devise a clever strategy, rather than launch into a power struggle. Find a way to present your situation in a way that benefits the other party. For instance, you can claim that constant supervision must be taxing. Gentle hints like these could cause whoever is on your case to back off, at least for the immediate future. Winning your freedom is a step-by-step, slow but sure process.

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Sometimes it's better to trust your intuition than to follow advice to the letter. Put some distance between you and someone who has a controlling influence over you - even if it means defying their opinions or suggestions. This person may not be thrilled by your behaviour, but sometimes you have to test out theories on your own before integrating them into your own personal philosophy. If you fall on your face, it doesn't matter. You have to learn to walk before you're able to run.

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A sudden shock could change the whole way you look at yourself. Sometimes hidden parts of yourself can be revealed in crisis situations. If that's the case today, try not to be alarmed. You can adjust your reaction through therapy or plain practice. It's never too late to grow, especially in the spiritual or psychological sense. Consult a friend who has been through a similar experience, or research and read up on the subject in question.

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