
Confusion reigns over shared finances so be aware that someone could string you along. Be sure you can return shoddy or broken goods before making an expensive purchase. Money matters are not what they seem, and you don't want to be plunged into debt as the result of a mistake or funny business. A sexual affair is also foggy. Somebody may be leading you down the primrose path with their promises.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You must be on your guard for a wolf in sheep's clothing in matters of career or love. A business relationship you thought was rock solid could be on shaky ground. Don't take anything for granted, especially with authority figures. They will pick on the most paltry of excuses to stab you in the back. The best way to protect yourself is to play by the all the rules.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Be warned of letting anything addictive or health harming taking control of your mind. It's a bad idea to discuss your personal life openly, especially with seemingly concerned colleagues. People's agendas may be twisted and warped under today's planetary energies. Mind your own business, even when there's gossip swirling all around you. Trust nobody but yourself.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You are under an illusion which means you could get taken in by a plausible person. Don't delude yourself into thinking that you're indispensable to someone you love. You have to earn their affection and respect. That means not taking them for granted. Offer compliments, gifts and favours without being prompted. Sooner or later, these tributes will be returned. Just persist with genuine feelings.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Put two and two together over a relationship issue and you'll come up with a distorted number. Be realistic with regard to a person who has been associated with shady dealings in the past. Giving them the benefit of the doubt will jeopardise too many innocent parties. Your affectionate nature makes it difficult to say "no" to any requests. Gather your courage together for the battle ahead so long as there really is one!

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Take what someone says with a huge pinch of salt as they are talking out their rear end. You may want to double-check any receipts or records, as slip-ups are likely. Others will accuse you of being suspicious, but you'll have the last laugh this time around. Some extra money could fall into your hands, and you're unsure what to do with it. Put it into savings for the time being. It's not a good time to take risks with kids.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Money is the source of deceit and confusion so be very cute when it comes to cash. If you have been thinking about an old flame recently, and toying with the idea of contacting this person, then is it a good idea? Even if your curiosity is burning. Contacting them could turn out to be very disillusioning. Besides, you could end up hurting someone who genuinely cares for you.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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One of the worst days of the year to trust anyone as treachery and betrayal lurks. The lessons you learned as a child have come in handy up until today, but things have changed. Go ahead and explore other ways of doing things. Parental figures take on a mythical quality if you're not careful. Now that you're an adult, you have to make rules and regulations that make sense to you.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You get it into your head that all's well with your world but in your midst is a viper! Before you repeat a scandalous story to all and sundry, make sure you have your facts straight. Chances are this rumour has been created out of sheer malice. Spreading it will only contribute to an innocent victim's heartache. Let your innate sense of justice rule your decisions.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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No matter how you try two into three won't go so clean the slate a start again. Pushing your bills under the rug won't change the fact that you owe money. If you're debts are out of control, talk to an accountant. With their expertise, you can formulate a plan to meet your obligations. A responsible person like you needs to be clear of burdens to ensure a secure future.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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The Sun/Neptune square warns you must be at your most realistic and practical to ward off evil. Even the most neutral statements could be heard as fighting words. It's better to keep silent, especially when asked to comment about controversial matters. If pressed, say, "Let me think about that," then move away from temptation. There is no room for misunderstandings as they will get out of control and create a false impression.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Judge someone by their position and you might fail to see they are a phoney or a liar. Force them to put their cards on the table to see how ethical or moral they really are. The minute someone declares they are not a bigot or prejudiced then rather than drop your guard be even more concerned that you are dealing with a hypocrite or fanatic. Someone who wouldn't say boo to a goose is hiding a hideous motive.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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