
Changes are on the horizon regarding your home. Unfortunately, your job demands you spend every spare moment at the office. If you're planning on moving, you'll have precious little time to do so. It may be necessary to hire professionals to pack and unpack your possessions. Although you hate spending this kind of money, it's better than running yourself ragged. Beware of taking advantage of a partner's generosity.

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You're being challenged to learn something new. It's hard enough to master a skill without calling your teacher's qualifications into question. Instead of challenging the instructor's every statement, put their directives into practice. It will take a long time before you get the gist of things, but when you do, it will feel as natural as breathing. Remember when you learned to ride a bike? This situation is very similar.

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Setting realistic financial goals is difficult when there are so many luxuries around to tempt you. Stay away from your favourite shops. You simply can't afford expensive extras. If you're in a relationship, you need to sit down and create a budget with your partner. Anger and recriminations should have no part in this discussion. Remember, you are working to forge a happier, healthier future together.

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Any attempt at reinventing yourself will be met with opposition. A close friend, relative, or romantic partner is afraid of your plans. Their fears are valid. The changes you have envisioned will affect your relationship. Some shifts will be positive, but others will be challenging. Be ready to accept the consequences of this decision. This doesn't mean you should keep things the same. On the contrary, you will benefit from this transformation.

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Playing the martyr won't win you any favours at work. If you're going to relieve a colleague of chores, do so without complaint. If you can't handle the extra work, be honest. You're entering a phase of obscurity, which doesn't sit well with you. As a natural born star, you prefer the spotlight. The sooner you reconcile yourself to staying in the shadows, the happier you'll be. Working behind the scenes helps you escape from petty critics.

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Working with a group could be frustrating. You'll have to adjust your methods to suit the needs of the team. This can drive you to distraction, because you're firmly convinced your way is the best way. Resist the urge to complain. By keeping your head down and your hands busy, you'll win the approval of your peers. The connections you make with this project will serve you long into the future. You'll enjoy an earthy jokester's friendship.

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Embarking on a new career path is an exciting prospect. Unfortunately, demands of family are taking up the lion's share of your attention. A female relative needs gentle handling. It looks to you as though all of her problems are self created, but it's not the case. She really has been the victim of circumstance. Do your best to be kind towards her. Jobs may come and go, but family is permanent. Put off buying an expensive piece of furniture for a wee while.

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Initiating a new project will be difficult. A relative or neighbour wants you to continue with the old ways and you'll resent their interference, feeling that it is holding you back from realising your potential. Still, you can't shut them out altogether. Going out to lunch together may help to resolve your differences. Choose a relaxed setting where you both feel free to air your opinions and resist the urge to bombard them with your opinions.

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Relying on others has never been easy for you. You'd rather do things your own way and be done with it. Accepting a loved one's help is crucial to your development, though. Let a loved one pamper and pet you. At first, you'll feel ridiculous. Eventually, though, your heart will start to soften and you'll actually enjoy being waited on. Resist the urge to try to buy affection. They want your time, not your money.

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The demands of a close relationship are weighing on you. It's hard to meet your partner's needs when your own are so pressing. If you are single, it may be because you aren't willing to change your ways. If you decide to start dating someone, be ready to bend to their will. Don't automatically boycott a certain restaurant or movie. Be willing to try something different, even if you're convinced you won't like it.

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It may be difficult to sustain a new routine because old responsibilities are coming back to haunt you. Put these jobs to bed, or they will continue to darken your doorstep. A new colleague could rub you the wrong way. Try to give them the benefit of the doubt. After all, you're going to spend a lot of time together. You don't have to like each other, but you should attempt to respect each other. Beware of escapist tendencies today.

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All you want to do is have fun, but friends seem to conspire against this plan. It seems as though they need your help with an odious project, like moving or cleaning. Set your agenda aside for the sake of your pals. After all, they've come to your rescue before. If you have a child, resist the urge to spoil him or her with extravagant gifts. Just because their peers have extravagant possessions doesn't mean you need to buy them the same.

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