
Pressuring someone to adopt your views will be disastrous. It's better to stick to the facts and let the other party come to their own conclusion. Just because you have different beliefs doesn't mean you are entirely incompatible. There are many situations in which you can work well together. If you are intent on having a romantic partnership with a person who shares your values, it's best to look elsewhere for love. Issuing ultimatums will only create resentment.

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Arguments over money are putting strain on a close relationship. Unless a compromise is reached, you'll always be at odds. Clinging to your ways won't lead to happiness. You have to meet your partner halfway or they'll walk away in disgust. Financial stability has always been important to you. If your amour's irresponsible ways are filling you with anxiety, it's time to make changes on both sides. You'll have to alter your attitude towards money and they'll have to be more frugal.

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Someone you live with or work alongside is acting in a rather highhanded fashion and beginning to get on everyone's nerves. It's time for you to pipe up and say what's on your mind. Set a firm boundary. If it's crossed, make sure there are repercussions. You're tired of being pushed around because you are so flexible. There's a difference between being accommodating and being a pushover. Spending more time on solitary activities can bolster your confidence.

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Pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion will backfire. You'll have to divest yourself of certain responsibilities to maintain your equilibrium. Friends and relatives will be disappointed, but it can't be helped. You only have one pair of hands. By asking others to do more work, you'll learn who really has your best interests at heart. Anyone who complains needs a reality check. Just because you've performed these duties in the past does not mean you have been given a life sentence of drudgery.

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Abandoning responsibility for pleasure will cause trouble. People are relying on you. Not turning up for a meeting will waste time and money. Tear yourself away from a romantic partner or pleasurable pursuit. Perform the work you promised and don't complain. If you seem angry and resentful, you'll do permanent damage to a helpful alliance. Everyone has to do things they don't want from time to time. You're no exception. Stop dwelling on your disappointment and do your duty.

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An angry relative is threatened by your professional ambition. They don't like it when you succeed at work because it takes the spotlight off them. You're tired of falling victim to their negativity. The sooner you get some distance from this pest, the happier you will be. At first they will complain and lay guilt trips on you. Ignore all the drama they are creating. When they realise you are no longer falling for their tricks, they'll look elsewhere for another victim.

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Trying to push through work that isn't complete is a mistake. Slow your pace, even if it means missing a deadline. Your reputation is at stake. Submitting a sloppy project will make people distrust your abilities. They'll believe you don't spend adequate time on your duties. You've always had high standards. Apply them to your own performance. If you have to cancel some personal plans, do so. Your partner will understand. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the sake of professionalism.

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Shopping won't fill an emotional void. If you're going to cultivate contentment, you have to look within. What are the things you truly desire? Making more time for your favourite activities and people is critical. Are you in love with an inattentive partner? It's time to have a heart to heart discussion. Be honest about your needs. Be ready to move on to greener pastures if your amour remains indifferent to your request for more intimacy.

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Throwing a tantrum will only make people even more determined to block your path. You'll catch far more flies with honey than vinegar. Even if a stubborn official refuses to grant your request, remain calm. You can always file an official complaint later. Remain focused on making the best of a bad situation. Someone who admires your gracious behaviour could offer you a job. This position will create financial stability.

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Sneaky behaviour will result in a job loss. Obey the rules, even if it creates a lot more work. Cutting corners will compromise safety. If you can think of a better way of doing things, talk to your boss. Outline practical ways you can dispatch work without jeopardising the health of colleagues and customers. Don't let emotion enter into the discussion. A logical approach will get the best reception. Facts and figures win the day.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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The group wants to go in a different direction, making you angry and frustrated. Instead of pressuring your point, it will be better to go your own way. You don't want to be linked to an organisation that offends your principles. Fortunately, your family will understand and support your decision. Look to them for moral support when you feel discouraged. You'll soon be very glad you broke ranks with these people. There's a whiff of scandal in the air.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Career pressure is draining your energy. You're tired of trying to be all things to all people. Set some boundaries with your employer. If they demand total access to you at all times, it may be better to find another position. You require a relaxing private life to be happy. An all-consuming job will take a toll on your health. Spread the word among friends that you're looking for another position. A relative or neighbour has news about a potential position.

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