
Your progress at work will slow over the next five months, which is a blessing in disguise. If you keep churning out material at the rate you've been going, you'll burn out before the year is over. Make a conscious effort to do one fun thing each day, even if it means scaling back your office hours. You can't afford to jeopardise your health for the sake of your career. Don't worry your job will still be there after taking well timed breaks.

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You won't feel as compelled to churn out masterpieces as you have in the past. Your creative work will take on a more playful aspect over the next five months. Granted, you will generate some substandard pieces, but look at them as stepping stones to greater things. If you don't let yourself experiment, you'll just keep doing the same thing over and over again. That would be a shame, as you have considerable artistic potential. It's time to see just how far you can go.

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Home life will be less odious from now until May. The responsibilities you've had weighing you down will start to lift. If you have a small baby, it may learn to sleep through the night. If you've been caring for an elderly parent, you could get help from a nurse or attendant. Has a landlord been giving you grief? Their attention will be diverted. It may even be easier to come up with rent or house payments.

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People will be less critical of your words, which comes as a relief. For the past few months, you've been suffering intense public scrutiny. It seemed as though everything you said was challenged. This will change over the next five months. You'll be freer to give your honest opinion, especially to authority figures. A writing project that has been giving you trouble will be less arduous. It's easier to generate ideas when you don't have to look over your shoulder all of the time.

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Putting in extra hours has put more money in your pocket. You may find job offers will slow between now and May. This comes as a relief. Now, instead of slaving away at the office, you can have fun with friends. Granted, you won't have much money for carousing, but you probably won't need it. Inexpensive pursuits will be just as pleasing as lavish events. You've grown to appreciate the true value of a rewarding personal life.

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Personal responsibilities won't be so heavy for the next five months. You'll be able to enjoy the holidays with a minimum of fuss. Friends who have accused you of radiating gloom and doom won't have any complaint with you now. That's because you'll be able to share your duties with others. This will give you more time for leisure. Enjoying the company of your nearest and dearest will make your spirits soar. Don't push yourself to produce; just stay in the moment.

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Working in isolation has been difficult these past few months. Fortunately, the stars will give you a respite from this period of obscurity. Venturing out for a little fun won't have such dire consequences. A hospital, university, or government agency that has been causing you grief could lessen its grip over your life. Take this opportunity while it lasts. Go out and have fun with your friends and colleagues. Goodness knows, you've earned a little fun.

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Your social life will afford more freedom over the next five months. Snobbish friends will turn their attention to other matters, leaving you free to mix with people they'd normally shun. You're sure to meet some interesting characters during this period. Some of them will waste your time, while others will strengthen your skills. By the time May arrives, you'll have to distinguish between the two groups.

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Asserting your authority will become less of an issue between now and May. People will be too busy with their respective jobs to flout the organisation. You'll be free to attend to smaller duties that have escaped your attention. If you've been having trouble with a particular rebel, this is your chance to adjust your methods. See what happens when you loosen the screws. Giving this person positive feedback could yield exciting results.

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Studies won't be as arduous as they have been this past year. Of course, you'll want to keep up with your reading and research. Still, you won't have to abandon your social life anymore. The next five months afford a welcome opportunity for more light hearted pursuits. If you've been holding a position of moral authority, you can afford to relax your standards from now until May. Take this time to develop your compassion. Without it, your principles will mean nothing.

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Joint finances won't be as tight as they have been. You have a wonderful opportunity to make more money between now and early May. Be advised, though, to put any extra profits into a savings account, as you will need them by the middle of 2008. Your love life is about to emerge from a dry patch as well. It won't be so difficult to coax your partner into bed now money is more readily available.

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You've been devoting a lot of time and energy to your partner's pursuits. Now you've got to move your focus to your own interests. The next five months present you with a welcome respite from all the added duties that have been heaped on your shoulders. At first people will not like your lack of attention. If you continue to maintain strong barriers they'll stop calling for you every time something goes wrong. Renegotiate the terms of a professional alliance between now and May.

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