
Don't get obsessed over insignificant details. It's more important to deliver a project on time than achieve perfection. Don't worry about your reputation. Everybody knows you work at the speed of light. If you weren't able to attend to some pesky details, it was because you weren't given adequate time. Resist the temptation to tax your system with a lot of sugar, fat and alcohol. You'll be much more productive if you eat healthily and drink plenty of water.

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The fun and games must come to an end. Responsibilities to the group will force you to change your focus. Try not to be consumed by resentment. You'll have chance to resume your favourite activities after you fulfil some promises. A friend who needs your help has been waiting patiently. Don't use love as an excuse to neglect your duty. If your romantic partner gives you grief for going away, set the record straight. Make it clear you are a person who doesn't shirk their duties.

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Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. If people are going to take you seriously, you must keep your emotions under control. Normally, that's not a problem for you. You prefer dealing with problems logically. This impulse is compromised when dealing with family. A relative who knows how to push your buttons has made you angry. Instead of voicing your resentment, stay calm. Establish some healthy boundaries. Don't be intimidated by threats and guilt trips.

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Try to listen more than you speak. You don't want to give sensitive information to the wrong person. If you can gain a reputation as a discreet person, you will go far. Better work assignments will come your way. You will be given more chances to distinguish yourself. Best of all, you'll be given bigger budgets. Recently, you've been forced to make bricks from straw. Once you have superior materials, you can really impress the powers that be.

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You should beware of spending beyond your means. Just because you have money in your bank account doesn't mean you should buy a lot of luxuries. Keep cash in reserve for emergencies. If you're in debt, pay off your bills as quickly as possible. The sooner you are back in the black, the sounder you will sleep. Does it seem like you will never be able to meet your financial obligations? Meet with a money expert. The problem will be less daunting if you face it squarely.

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You must resist the urge to volunteer for more work. You already have a full plate. Nobody will think less of you if you turn down an assignment. If a loved one or colleague tries to lay a guilt trip on you, be ready to set a firm boundary. There is absolutely no reason you should feel bad about limiting your responsibilities. There are other members of the team who have empty schedules. Let them pick up the slack.

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Cutting yourself off from the group could have unintended consequences. Although you are tired of dealing with everyone's problems, you shouldn't distance yourself from the crowd. You will need support from friends, neighbours or colleagues sooner than you think. Part of the problem is an 'all or nothing' attitude about relationships. Instead of agreeing to every request or refusing them all, find a middle ground. Be more selective about the assistance you offer.

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Charm isn't a substitute for hard work. Your popularity will be severely compromised if you fail to perform your duties. Don't let family problems hinder your work performance. Turn the ringer off your phone and focus on the tasks at hand. If you've applied for a great job, you might not get it. Someone with a more impressive CV might have been chosen. Don't let this destroy your ego. You'll find a position better suited to your experience and temperament.

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The prospect of settling down fills you with anxiety. You want to be free to explore your options. Unfortunately, this refusal to settle down will have unpleasant consequences. You need the security of a home and family. While it's unlikely your domestic arrangements will be conventional, they will be supportive. Stop moving from pillar to post and settle down. Find a place to live, make a romantic commitment or accept a steady job. You'll be surprised how comforting such things can be.

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Resist the temptation to control your loved ones. What is best for you may not work well for a friend, lover or relative. Leave individuals to their own devices. If you're suffering from jealousy, don't let these feelings consume you. Make a concerted effort to encourage your amour's freedom. Being able to go your separate ways and then come together again will be stimulating. You'll enjoy comparing notes about your respective pursuits.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't sacrifice too much of yourself to a relationship. Stop neglecting your favourite hobbies for the sake of your best friend or partner. Spending time apart can be healthy for your union. If you're single and can't meet someone special, stay calm. Instead of yearning for companionship, focus on the positive aspects of being free. The sooner you embrace the situation, the easier it will be to find romance. The Universe likes to throw curve balls.

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Taking on too much work will take a toll on your health. Factor in time for rest. Your employer may not be pleased with your decision to do less, but it can't be helped. You simply can't keep burning the candle at both ends. Spending more time at home isn't enough. You have to stay off the phone and social media sites, too. Ban the use of electronics for a few hours each day. This will help your mind to drift. Never underestimate the importance of daydreaming.

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