
The end is in sight but you are suffering from fatigue. Don't give in to temptation and abandon a project. Keep fighting until you cross the finish line. Reach out to a friend who always makes you laugh. Their enthusiasm will lift your spirits. Your inner critic is working overtime. Instead of torturing yourself with belittling comments, give yourself praise and encouragement. The sooner you practice the art of unconditional self-love, the easier it will become to attract the love, luck and prosperity you desire.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You're surging ahead while everyone else is dragging their feet. Don't slow your pace for them to catch up. You have a golden opportunity to dramatically increase your income. Form a business relationship, agree to a legal settlement or sign a long-term contract. Being a member of an organisation is frustrating. You have strong differences with the leaders of your group. Explain how and why you disagree with the way they assess and treat problems. If the poor choices continue, take it as a sign to move on.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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After making a significant achievement, you've reached a new level of expertise. In the beginning, you will be overwhelmed. You're accustomed to being the most talented person in your field. It will take lots of study, practice and experience to reach the top again. You're not sure which direction to take at work. Take the job that offers the most creative satisfaction. A lucrative position that doesn't draw on your imagination will make you miserable. You can't put a price on happiness.

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Beware of pushing yourself too hard. Without enough rest, you will suffer burnout. Force yourself to go to bed early, sleep late or take an afternoon nap. If you're exercising and feel strained, slow down. When you're gentle with your system, it will flourish. Don't put your faith in a celebrity who pretends to have all the answers. In a short period of time, this prominent person will be revealed as being terribly flawed. Be your own hero.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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People are jealous of your success. You're eager to celebrate some good news, but it will be difficult to find people who are happy for you. Instead of downplaying your achievements, give yourself a reward for your hard work. Take a relaxing holiday. Go over your financial statements with a fine-toothed comb. You might detect some erroneous or questionable charges. Demand that the errors are corrected and that your funds and credit scores are restored. Protect your interests.

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Grandiose plans will fall flat. If you're going to get an idea off the ground, you require the help of high-powered people. It will take time to cultivate these alliances. It's frustrating to slow your pace, but it's the only way to achieve success. Someone who keeps playing hot and cold with you isn't worth your time. Instead of getting drawn into their web of intrigue, simply give them a polite nod and go your own way. You'll notice a dramatic change in your relationship.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You're not getting the positive feedback you expected. Don't cringe at criticism. While some remarks are justified, many are the product of jealousy. Be objective when assessing which comments are worth taking seriously. There's still room for improvement, but it won't require a complete overhaul. Be realistic about how your lifestyle affects your health. Nutritious meals, regular exercise and sufficient sleep are critical to your wellbeing. Having a spiritual practice can also strengthen your system.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Ideas are coming with the force of a mighty river. You should pause to sort them out. There's an important decision to be made. Instead of trying to launch the most ambitious plan, take the practical route. You'll achieve victory much faster. A romance isn't bringing the satisfaction you expected. Part of the problem is you're expecting your partner to do for you what you should be doing for yourself. You are responsible for your own happiness. Find and do things that bring you joy.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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There are many exciting possibilities ahead but your family is wary of them. Turn a deaf ear to their warnings. An adventurer like you doesn't like to play it safe. You fare much better when you test your boundaries and explore unknown vistas. You're conflicted about your relationship with your family. Certain relatives are so cruel and intolerant that you can no longer overlook their behaviour. Quietly pull away from these ties. If anyone asks why you have become distant, calmly tell them the truth.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Boredom could tempt you to make a hasty move. Don't be so quick to burn your bridges. There are benefits to keeping a professional or creative alliance alive. Why not try a temporary but friendly separation instead of an acrimonious break? An emotional exchange makes you worry about the strength of a relationship. Someone you thought was in your corner could be about to pour scorn on your views and values. Be wary of talking about personal matters with this questionable individual.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're starting a new phase and feel nervous about it. That's natural, but it's unusual for you. Embracing change is rarely a problem for you. This situation is different, since it involves some financial uncertainty. Have faith that prosperity is coming to you. Getting upset about money can drive prosperity from your door. The best way to attract abundance is to become more appreciative of your blessings. Start thinking and acting from a place of confidence. The Universe is bountiful; be receptive to its gifts.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A burden has become too oppressive to carry. Feel free to abandon a task or responsibility that is jeopardising your health. The time has come for your relatives and colleagues to pick up the slack. Stop doing the work of three people. It's time to adopt a more realistic view of a relationship. When you receive very little in return for love, kindness and consideration, it's time to leave the relationship. You're worthy of friends and romantic partners who are as giving as you are.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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