
Speak your mind when dealing with an indecisive relative or neighbour. The time has come for your friend to make a choice. The longer they drag their feet, the more problems will occur. Fortunately, your powers of persuasion are strong. It also helps that you are well respected for your optimism and intelligence. People know you have good instincts. When you urge them to do something, they'll follow your lead. An intimate encounter proves a welcome diversion from financial difficulties.

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Spending time with family gives you a profound feeling of contentment. You're tired of trying to make yourself understood to a bunch of strangers. Your relatives understand and appreciate you. They know you're always looking at things from the practical standpoint. Finding new ways to attain financial security is one of your biggest priorities. Fortunately, your business or romantic partner could get a raise or lucrative job. They'll share their bounty with you. Be sure to accept a party invitation; you'll have a great time.

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You are brimming with confidence, which paves the path to success. Take this opportunity to pitch a brilliant idea to an authority figure. Your boss admires your creative flair and will reward you accordingly. Don't be surprised when you are given a sizable raise. If you're unemployed, this would be a fantastic time to go on a job interview. You'll make a great impression, especially if you emphasise your strong work ethic. It is also wise to promote your communication skills.

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You bring out the best in everyone. That's because you accentuate the positive and underplay the negative. When someone hears praise from you, they'll work extra hard to maintain your approval. More money for luxuries will become available. Take this opportunity to buy something special for a child or partner. This token of your esteem will make a deep impression. The opportunity to take a class with a respected artist could fall into your lap. Sign up as soon as possible, because spots will fill quickly.

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Your good looks open doors. Take this opportunity to befriend a respected community leader. This contact will serve you well, both personally and professionally. Working in private will give you a chance to add some creative touches to an outmoded medium. It will be a relief to escape the prying eye of a micromanager. Once you complete your duties, head out for a party. Being surrounded by friends keeps your creative juices flowing. They have the power to uplift and inspire you.

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Enjoying some private time with your lover is strongly advised. Lately, it's been difficult for you to enjoy each other's company. Work, family responsibilities and constant interruptions could be getting to you. Sneaking off to some quiet hideaway will give you a chance to reconnect. When you emerge from this cosy cocoon, you'll be asked to take the helm of a volunteer effort. This will be a great channel for your organisational skills. An experienced fundraiser has valuable advice; be sure to take it.

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Artistic friends inspire your own creative talent. Take this opportunity to launch a writing, painting or dancing project. Your work could lead to an exciting career opportunity. An executive who admires your skill and vision will ask you to join their team. This looks like a great chance for you to be paid to do work you love. The salary may not be great, but at least it will provide you with steady income. Count your blessings and move towards the light.

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Your hard work and diligence are paying off. Don't be surprised if your boss asks you to go away on a glamorous business trip. They know you can be trusted with sensitive information. Furthermore, you will go the extra mile when trying to make inroads with overseas customers. Learning about a different culture's pastimes and customs will help you achieve success. Be sure to look the part of a polished professional. Projecting a confident image will be half the battle.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Getting a little privacy at work will bolster your confidence. It's nice to know your boss trusts you to do the right thing. You might be given a chance to handle a potential public relations disaster. Expressing sincere concern over a customer's problems will turn the tide in your employer's favour. Don't be surprised if you're given an award or bonus for your extraordinary contribution. Let a romantic or business partner take you out for a celebratory dinner.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Lean on an older friend for support with a career matter. You may feel like you're out of your depth. Talking with your loved one makes you realise this situation has persisted in the workplace for a long time. It's not unique to you. Knowing this can be strangely comforting. Fortunately, your colleagues share your concerns and will lend their support. Confront an authority figure who is reluctant to rock the boat. It's time for an abusive member of the staff to go.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You will have to make an unpopular decision at work. It pains you to be hard on a colleague who has been struggling with personal problems, but you simply can't tolerate this situation any longer. You need someone reliable who can perform essential tasks. There is someone who is willing to assume these responsibilities. Their salary expectations may be unrealistic. After bringing them back to Earth, you can forge a productive alliance. Put their creative talent to work for you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You will be called upon to share your expertise. It feels good to teach a group of enthusiastic students. They respond well to your flexible approach. When one method fails, you'll try another until the lesson is learned. Don't be surprised if your love life starts to improve as a result of this job. You're extremely attractive when you put your talent to work. It may be necessary to expand your home in some way. Finding a new place or building an extension are possibilities.

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