
Resist the urge to challenge an authority figure, or you could get fined. You can always recognise a power play, and this is definitely one of them. Although you hate catering to the whims of such an arrogant person, it's better to do as you're told than incur a punishment. Don't worry they will be forced to answer for their abuses. In the meantime, take your medicine and give yourself a reward for having saved yourself a lot of misery.

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Somebody else holds the purse strings, and you have to ingratiate yourself with them in order to get the money you deserve. This situation is truly maddening, but until you get the funds you are owed, your hands are tied. You may want to consider filing a lawsuit if you think you can't get the money any other way. If that's the case, be patient. You may not get this sum for several more months. In the meantime, find a more reliable source of income.

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You may not have as much influence on a loved one as you think. Ultimatums are worthless if you don't act on them. Someone who keeps promising to reform is playing you like a violin. While you put your faith in this character, they're out doing just as they please. It doesn't matter if their actions are hurting you; all that matters is their desires. What are you getting out of this relationship? It's time to slip the leash.

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Powerful temptations could be causing you to compromise your health. If you have a serious problem, you may want to get professional help. Joining a support group is also advised. Don't beat yourself up for this problem. Plenty of kind, intelligent people fall prey to the same things. The best way to forgive yourself is to get treatment and start afresh. This may seem impossible right now, but it can be done. Be kind to yourself.

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Don't let curiosity get the best of you. Although it's tempting to go through someone's private papers and emails, you know it is wrong. Consider how you will betray somebody's trust if you do this. If you don't care what the person in question thinks of you, consider how your reputation will suffer. Nobody wants to be known as a snoop. Besides, the information you discover may hurt innocent people.

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Angry feelings are prompting you to push family members away. While it's certainly true your relatives have caused you grief, you've got to take responsibility for your own life. This may mean getting therapy, forgetting a grudge, or simply moving to a healthier environment. You'll feel less defensive with your family once you promote your own happiness. Remember, nobody can make you miserable without your permission.

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Giving too much of your power to a business associate or romantic partner is a terrible mistake. Just because you don't like dealing with money matters doesn't mean you should hand over all financial decisions to them. You owe it to yourself to keep your finger on the pecuniary pulse. Allowing someone else to sign cheques for you or giving them access to your credit card information is also a very bad idea.

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Friends are threatened by your desire to undergo a lifestyle change. You need to consider whether your loved ones are concerned for your welfare or interested in protecting their own interests. For instance, if you're planning to quit your job and move in with someone you just met, their reservations may be valid. On the other hand, if you're intent on quitting a dangerous habit, you need to follow your heart.

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Trying to convert others to your point of view will be an exercise in futility. Keep your opinions to yourself, especially when you're dealing with prominent political figures. There will be better opportunities to present your ideas. Right now, you've got to operate beneath the radar. If people get wind of your plans for reform, they'll work against you. Remember there are people who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.

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It's hard to have faith in an educational or religious institution that's let you down in the past. Still, you have no other choice but to do so. If you're applying for admission to this place, make multiple copies of the paperwork you submit. That way, if they are lost, you can hand them in again without much trouble. It's probably wise to send your application via registered mail, so you can prove it was actually rendered.

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Usually, you don't seek the approval of others, but today may prove the exception to the rule. You want so badly to fit in with a crowd of clever artists. Unfortunately, these snobs are threatened by your talent, and may pretend you have no business associating with them. Don't let their barbed remarks prevent you from developing your gifts. Seek out more supportive friends who admire what you do and want you to prosper.

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You question the rules you have to obey, but nobody else seems bothered. At times like these, you wonder if you're going crazy. Actually, your complaints are perfectly justified, but other people have learned to grin and bear the oppression, because dwelling on it has made them miserable. If you decide to challenge the powers that be, you will have to do it on your own. Your chances of success are good, but the going will get tough.

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