
Your sunny disposition helps you add a light hearted touch to tense situations. Single? Someone you've been chasing for a while is starting to capitulate. Seize the moment and suggest an evening out: they could surprise you by saying yes! Thoughts and feelings arise spontaneously and you will find yourself acting at times without thinking. Put your imagination to good use by being creative, romantic and inventive.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Family and domestic matters are your number one priority. Decisions regarding such affairs are important and will require a serious attitude. You will feel more at ease once long term plans are agreed on. Evening hours will see you entertaining a small group of friends in your home. Why don't you invite a lonely person who is far away from their own home? They'd appreciate the thought.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Until you've worked out where other people are coming from don't offer any opinions or suggestions. Listen to your intuition as it is accurate at this time. A visit to your doctor or dentist may be necessary; don't talk yourself out of it. You will be your own worst enemy if you keep putting off a task you must execute sooner or later. Remember: a stitch in time saves nine!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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The more confident you feel, the more assertive you will be when you're with people who are being pushy or aggressive. Whether you need advice on a financial or personal matter or you're just trying to relate to others in the business world, it will be far easier when you have confidence to back you up. Allow your head to have its own way today as your decisions are reliable. Balance confidence with compassion and you will act sensitively and sensibly.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Every fresh challenge and new experience gives you the chance to get to know yourself better. You may now be realising how strongly your personality type influences the role you play within professional and social relationships. If you are typical of your sign, you are extrovert and outgoing and you enjoy being around people, preferably in a leadership role. Recognising your strengths and figuring out in which areas you shine will increase your chances of having a more satisfying career and building more fulfilling relationships.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Before making a start with a group project you need to get to know the people you are working with and relax with each other. Take the lead if necessary and establish group guidelines. Erratic behaviour and careless arrangements would wear you down quickly. If others aren't as methodical in their thinking, you should be only too pleased to have the chance to demonstrate your organisational skills. As it happens you might find it is your turn to oversee a team effort.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Momentum and energy is gathering in your social life and group activities; people respond well to your input. Currently you need support: lots of support and you will find this through your friendships and your more intimate relationships. In areas where choices must be made and there is some confusion, you might process your thoughts, feelings and past experiences by talking things over with a friend.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You're taking the sweeping statements another person makes too seriously and you're reading all sorts of things into them when you shouldn't. Try as you will, you can't seem to get yourself into someone else's mind or understand their way of thinking. Discussions should be kept light hearted especially if you get the feeling everyone is against you. You will only have yourself to blame if you allow an argument to develop all because you got a hold of the wrong end of the stick.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You could discover a lot about yourself through joining forces with a person or people who think differently to you. Philosophical and religious beliefs might be discussed in some depth and this causes you to review your own thoughts and feelings about certain issues. You might also learn what your strengths are and how to make the most of these in both social and work situations through working on a team endeavour.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You won't want to feel a financial matter is out of balance or out of control but there is some puzzlement in the air. You have a strong need for security and predictability and until you determine a way to manage a situation so it's more stable you will not be able to relax. Because it is hard to initiate some changes on your own, you may have to consult a professional. Most matters you are involved in will require a serious attitude today.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Getting to know a new partner takes time, patience and dedication. This is an absolute must if you want to make the most of your relationship. A need to stay independent could impair your thinking and your judgement. Friends and family can be of great assistance and this need not necessarily mean they will interfere, pry or meddle in your business. Joining forces with another is a process of discovering what is important to you both and agreeing on mutual goals.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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An older relative, more experienced colleague or a parent might raise objections to some of your plans. Your first reaction is to rebel against what they are suggesting. Try to remember they are trying to protect you from fraud, scams, danger and worse things you'll find in the world. You could do a lot for this relationship if you are willing to take a calm and rational approach and start looking at things from this other person's perspective.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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