
Avoid flattering someone just to get into their good graces. You don't want to get a reputation for being insincere. When it comes to making friends, choose people who you genuinely like and admire. If you need a person's help, be direct. As the time isn't right for a relaxing getaway if you can take a steady walk near a body of water. The sight of a pond, river or ocean will soothe your fiery energy. Instead of trying to control circumstances, you'll relax and take what comes.

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Don't overindulge in creature comforts. Instead of splashing out on luxuries, focus on enjoying what you have. Stop saving prize possessions for special occasions. Use them on a regular basis. This will deepen your appreciation of life, helping you to attract more money. Working with a team of creative people will be satisfying. With their help, you'll create something of lasting beauty. Ignore an ultra-practical relative who insists art is a waste of time. Secretly, they're jealous of your prodigious imagination.

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Self-indulgence will take a toll on your mood. It's hard to feel elated when you're weighted down with excess food and intoxicating beverages. The best way to restore your natural vivacity is to follow a diet comprised of fresh produce, whole grains and lean protein. If you're attending a virtual party, wear something that evokes glamour. It will be so much fun to make a dramatic appearance on your webcam. Has your wardrobe become lacklustre? Splash out on a new outfit.

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Are you leading a double life? It's time to come clean. A secret love affair will create great unhappiness for some innocent victims. The sooner you go public with this relationship, the faster a jilted partner can make a fresh start. Watching videos of a concert or play that's set in a foreign country will inspire you. Travelling overseas will be a welcome change of pace one restrictions are relaxed. Although you love home, a domestic routine has become dreadfully predictable. You long for a change of scenery.

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Beware of the company you keep. Chatting with people you secretly dislike is a mistake. Just because these individuals are well-connected doesn't mean they are worth your time and attention. On the contrary, some of their bigoted statements will reflect badly on you. Money from an inheritance, insurance refund or legal settlement will arrive just when you need it most. You'll be free to devote all your energy to those people and pastimes that matter most to you.

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Don't lord your professional power over others. Whether you're making hotel reservations for next year, buying a car or other luxuries, you should pay a fair price like everybody else. If people see you taking advantage of your position, you will lose respect. A business or romantic partner intuits your needs and will do something very kind for you. Instead of objecting over their generous gesture, give your sincere thanks. Your other half has been yearning for an opportunity to repay all the kind things you do for them each day.

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Bending the rules for a friend will backfire. It's important to apply the law equally. If you don't, you'll be accused of being unfair. Nothing could be worse for a fair-minded person like you. If someone pressures you into doing them a favour, refuse. An alternative absent healing therapy will be successful. Take this opportunity to try self-hypnosis. You'll feel silly at first, but your disbelief will soon turn to delight. It will be such a relief to feel better again.

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What's simply a physical relationship to you means something more to your partner. Stop leading your friend down the garden path. The sooner you admit where you stand, the faster they'll find an amour who truly adores them. This is only fair. Parting as friends now will put you in the path of someone who you totally adore when the time comes. As soon as your eyes meet, it will feel like you've known each other for years. You share a love of art, music and film.

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Taking your best friend or romantic partner for granted is a big mistake. You're lucky enough to be with someone who is funny, intelligent and stimulating. Treating them disrespectfully is like kicking a bag filled with money into the gutter. Cook them their favourite meal for dinner. This will melt the ice that has developed between you. Apologise for your neglect and change your tune. When you back up your promises with good behaviour, you'll resurrect your relationship. It's a bond worth repairing.

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Letting others do most of the work is a mistake. Your employer is taking careful stock of who contributes the most to the company. If you're seen as a shirker, you could lose your position. Do your fair share at the very least. If you've grown disillusioned with your current job, think about turning a creative pursuit or pastime into a money-making living. You have your own set of skills that can be used to produce something unique and special. Start a project that began as a vivid dream.

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Are you having such a good time that you're not looking forward to returning to work? Fulfil your responsibilities anyway. Breaking a promise will create resentment. Colleagues will be depending on you to deliver materials or perform tasks. By giving them what's expected, you'll preserve your professional reputation. Making money from your artistic talent is a distinct possibility. Whether you paint, write or compose, your work will gain fame and acclaim. People crave escapist art that allows them to forget their troubles. Your fantastic vision fills this void.

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Just because your family has certain beliefs does not make these attitudes superior. Be willing to consider other points of view and ways of life. If your relatives disapprove of someone new who you've met online, don't let that discourage you from pursuing this relationship. You've always been something of a chameleon. This talent is especially strong now. Use it to infiltrate an exclusive group. Learning what some influential people feel and think will put you in a good position to market a new product.

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