
With Venus favourably aspected to Saturn, you come up with clever and cheap ideas for brightening up your home or one particular room. Also, look at how to reduce clutter and fix any structural problems where wood is the main support or material used. A visit to a craft fair soon reveals a gift.

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Venus propels you towards more freedom but Saturn tugs at your conscience reminding you of the more serious aspects of life. But as these planets work together in unison so you must use your imagination to add comfort to your work or find practical outlets for your creative and inventive ideas.

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You have the gift of being able to see beyond what meets the eye, enabling you to recognise a good idea when you see one plus dismiss chancy suggestions when you sense all is not well. It’s okay to allow the cautious side of your nature to come to the fore as to be wary is to be wise.

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Someone who refuses to take no for an answer comes back for a second attempt but now you’re ready to yield. If you’ve been playing games and gambling with someone’s emotions give the answer they want to hear and quit while you’re ahead; there’s unlikely to be a third time, so it’s your call.

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Weigh-up a current situation in light of the fact that a certain problem isn’t going to go away until someone does something about it. More cautious souls around you prefer to leave things as they are but you know this won’t work: put your leadership skills into action and make sure they know it too.

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If something hasn’t been going well lately, it’s worth having one last ditch attempt to get it going. If efforts still fail, look at it from a new perspective, by replacing worn out machinery, learning new skills or employing someone with the necessary know-how to take over where you left off.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Events unfold in your favour as your ruling planet Venus makes good contact with Saturn. There’s an element of luck linked with the opportunities that come your way but hard work is still necessary to achieve your aims. With Saturn there’s no turnover without toil even when supported by Venus.

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Someone who’s support you need, will slip into your way of thinking once they have been given the chance to consider your proposals. All you have to do is quietly but firmly drop a few hints and you’ll soon get the green light to go ahead with plans that will take you into the distant future.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A sense of duty comes with increasing work commitments and although there’s plenty to be done, there’s ample incentive to spur you on, knowing that any effort expended will be well worth it. You feel as if you’re starting to get somewhere now and that your dreams are beginning to unfold.

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A fine Venus/Saturn ray favours married life or a permanent relationship. New affairs begun now can be long-lasting, loving and fulfilling. Love grows through sharing laughter, loyalty and respect, silent moments and warm embraces - there’s no need to hurry or worry when with your one and only.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You aren’t usually too bothered about what others might think of your decisions or actions but because Saturn and Venus are around today, you’d like some feedback and reassurance before going ahead with your plans. To get the sensible advice or confirmation ask an older friend or relative.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Creative or artistic efforts bring a well-deserved prize, praise or award which, in turn, start you off in a new direction. Make a special effort to push your talents for all they’re worth now a very special blend of cosmic luck and prosaic merit attracts opportunities you’d never have expected.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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