
You will get hit with a heavy fine or tax, which puts a crimp in your budget. Fighting this ruling will be a waste of time and energy. You're better off collecting your resources, fulfilling your obligation and then moving on. A friend will ask for a loan, but you're not in the position to give one. Be honest about your financial situation. Your loved one may not believe your claims, which is sad. Still, you can't go into debt on their behalf.

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Your best friend, lover, or business partner is angry with you. Lately, you've been spending so much time on work that your relationship has suffered. Take this opportunity to restore the balance to your lives. You are undeniably busy, but you can't continue to work around the clock. Besides, continuing to work at this rate will cause burnout. Well timed breaks are essential if you're going to render a perfect performance. Any athlete, executive, or artist will tell you the same.

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You've weighing down your system with junk food. It's time to turn over a new leaf. If you continue to eat big quantities of fat, sugar and salt, you'll become ill. Stop treating your body like a garbage dump. You resent it when a health fanatic lectures you on your food choices. Still, that doesn't mean you should ignore all their advice. Make the best choice for you. If this happens to coincide with conventional wisdom, so be it.

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This isn't a good time to gamble your money away. You work hard for your income and should try to make it stretch as far as possible. The best way to do this is to shop for bargains, steer clear of spending sprees and invest a portion in a long term retirement fund. It's never too late to begin. Have you developed a crush on somebody? Now is not the time to make a move or ask for a date.

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An oppressive family responsibility is weighing on you. It's time to get some help. Whether this means delegating jobs to other relatives or hiring a professional caregiver is immaterial. The important thing is to give yourself a break. You've only got one pair of hands. Don't worry about what onlookers will say about your decision. Others who have been through the same ordeal will come forward and lend practical and emotional support. This situation is a lot more common than you think.

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Beware of dwelling on negative thoughts. If you keep looking at the dark side, you'll fail to see emerging opportunities. A new job will fall into your lap, but only if you are open to trying something new. Tell friends you're willing to do any sort of work, provided it is interesting and pays regularly. This will result in an entry level job that has plenty of growth potential. You can't take anything for granted in this economy. Onward and upward!

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You don't have the money to afford certain luxuries. It may be necessary to cancel a holiday until you have more funds at your disposal. Try not to let it get you down; you can have just as much fun at home and save a fortune. It's just a matter of stopping to appreciate the blessings you often take for granted. If you want entertainment, head for the library and borrow a good book. This will keep you amused and diverted for several hours.

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It's hard to be generous with a relative who keeps claiming they're too unwell to help. You know the truth, but are too respectful to reveal their trickery. Instead of showering this malingerer with care and attention, downplay their complaints. Make a fuss over the people who are contributing something positive to a communal effort. Every time this pest complains about an ache or pain, make sympathetic noises and then immediately put the focus back on the task at hand.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Stop worrying about all the bad things that could happen if you follow your dreams. Concentrate instead on what will happen if you ignore your heart's desire. You're a very passionate person who needs to pursue a life that is spiritually meaningful. This will be impossible if you're always preoccupied with material matters. If you take a risk, practical concerns will take care of themselves. This seems to be an unwritten law of the Universe. Try it and see.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Someone has ulterior motives in trying to befriend you. Be wary of a newcomer who flatters you at every opportunity. It's more than likely that this manipulator wants a favour. As a general rule, you're very generous. Helping people gives you pleasure, so long as they are straightforward about their needs. Keep things polite and casual with this suspicious character. In time, their true character will be revealed. This isn't a good time to ask for a raise or apply for a job.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Suffering from public embarrassment is never easy. Still, there is a silver lining to this cloud. By learning to hold your head high in an uncomfortable situation, you will retain your dignity. If you've made a mistake, admit it. Don't make excuses for your behaviour. People admire those who own up to their errors and accept the consequences for them. These days, flimsy apologies are a dime a dozen. Show you are truly repentant through both words and deeds.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Be a little more open minded about teaching methods. Just because you learned things a certain way as a youngster doesn't mean this was the best approach. It's possible that newer or more experimental methods could bring about the changes you want. If they don't, you can always come forward to help. The important thing is to show respect for teachers. So long as they're following the rules and trying their best, there is no reason to oppose their methods.

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