
Your charm and wit attract admirers at every turn. If you're single, you'll meet someone special. You'll be powerfully drawn to well-travelled person. By joining forces, you'll be inspired to visit countries that have fascinated you since childhood. Both of you are fairly easy going, so it won't be any problem visiting places that have few modern conveniences. If you're already in a relationship, let your amour spoil you. Giving them the brush off will result in a missed opportunity for love.

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You're especially sentimental and nostalgic. Take a few moments to go through photo albums and keepsakes. You may be inspired to put a storage item on permanent display. Every time you pass this treasure, your spirits will lift. Saving such pieces for special occasions is wasteful. You should be enjoying these possessions on a regular basis. If you had an unhappy childhood, make it your mission to create a beautiful home you deserve. The process will be empowering.

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Taking a short trip for pleasure is strongly advised. Your creativity will soar after getting a change of scenery. Make sure to take art supplies along on this journey. If you're inspired to write, draw or compose music, you'll be ready. There's a good chance your work will have a cheerful tone. Life seems filled with possibility. You're tired of listening to your inner critic. Obey your inner child instead. This voice will lead you down a much more rewarding path.

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Feel free to enjoy the finer things in life. You work hard for your money. Buying things that satisfy your sensual side will keep you motivated. If you've been yearning to move into a more lucrative line of work, dress accordingly. Looking the part of a successful professional is half the battle to landing a good job. If you're not sure what to purchase, take a fashionable Libra or Pisces along to the store. They'll direct you to clothes that flatter your frame.

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It's time to treat yourself. You've always had a profound love of luxury. This is the perfect opportunity to splash out on new clothes, accessories and toiletries. Any purchased designed to make you look and feel fabulous is advised. If you've been thinking about changing your appearance, you would be wise to do so now. You'll be so delighted with the results that you'll maintain this look for years to come. This is also an ideal moment to make romantic overtures towards an accomplished person you admire.

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Keep a passionate relationship out of the public eye. The last thing you want is to discuss your feelings with nosy people. Anyone who doesn't respect your privacy should be kept at arm's length. You're tired of accommodating bad mannered people. Fortunately, your amour has a way of easing your anxieties. When you're together, you never fail to see the amusing side of life. Stick close to your partner and follow their advice regarding a powerful impulse. It may be time to relocate.

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A group outing will put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. You'll enjoy visiting a place of historic interest. Imagining what people lived like many years ago will inspire a creative project. Reach out to an accomplished artist who can help turn this dream into reality. You admire their expertise while they respect your refined taste. Together, you'll make something that attracts lots of good publicity, as well as a tidy profit.

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You make a wonderful impression on others. Giving a professional presentation will pave the way for a promotion. Commanding the spotlight isn't usually your style. When you have something important to say, you say it with ease and sophistication. You may be asked to assume leadership of a campaigning group. Creating an atmosphere of comfortable stability will be your first priority. Fortunately, you're up to the task. Project an air of calm authority and everyone will fall in line.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A legal matter will be decided in your favour, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. This clears the way for more interesting activities, like study and travel. If you've always wanted to go to university abroad, this is a great time to do so. You'll enjoy experiencing a culture radically different from yours. Fortunately, you're very outgoing. Making friends will be easy. Having compatriots will ease the pain of homesickness. You're ready to spread your wings and fly.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You'll get a financial boost from an inheritance, dividend or royalty payment. Put this money towards a holiday you've been longing to take. Visiting an exotic city will be a breath of fresh air. You're tired of carrying out the same routine day after day. Taking a break from work will help you reconnect with your spiritual side. Instead of pouring all your energy into your career, you'll begin devoting more energy to the activities you love. Revisiting childhood hobbies will also be rewarding.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Spending quality time with your favourite person will be therapeutic. You're tired of trying to sell ideas to sceptical audiences. Being with someone who loves you unconditionally will give you a more balanced perspective. You've always been a visionary, seeking to make your surroundings better. Most people are scared of change. It's your job to convince the world there is a better way of doing things. When the rejection becomes too much to bear, it's important to surround yourself with optimists.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Attending a work party will be more fun than you expect. It will be fun socialising with colleagues outside the office. Someone who always intimidated you will be unexpectedly friendly. After talking, you'll realise you have many of the same interests. It just goes to show there is more to people than their job title. If you've been unemployed, you'll get a fantastic job offer. Getting paid to exercise your imagination will give you a new lease on life.

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