
If lately you've been living your life for everyone else, today think of ways to fulfil your own desires. Someone has become too dependent on you and having to give so much of your time to them causes you to almost give up on your own dreams. Whether it's an elderly relative, vulnerable friend or insecure colleague, they can't keep looking to you to make their mind up for them. Today, get them to make one decision on their own and this will be their first step to independence.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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There have been moments when your working life and personal life have come into conflict. Now the two harmonise with each other. You may have arranged to spend a few days of the week working from home, or you can slot in private interests with your business dealings. Either way you are able to clear up minor problems in either of these important areas and a perfect balance between the two is reached.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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The chance to take an advanced course shouldn't be overlooked because you think you already know it all. It doesn't matter how long you've been in the same job, it's always worth refreshing your knowledge and brushing up your skills. Your readiness to learn and get acquainted with new methods and techniques will prove your versatility to younger members of the team. No matter what, you can still teach them a thing or two!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Having to travel when you don't want to could cause you some frustration and irritation. Even so, your current ability to meet adversity head on should help you make light of any difficulties. Contact with foreigners or those from a distance may be a trifle awkward at first but you will start feeling less tense and wound up as you get to know those you're dealing with better.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Taking on new joint commitments might seem sensible when the aim is to share obligations. You have all the right ideas but what you should be asking yourself now is: how long have you known a partner, how reliable have they been in the past and will they carry out the promises they're now making in the future? If you end up with all the work and responsibility, it's in your nature to want all the credit!

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Plans may need revision when you haven't the energy to complete all you had intended to do. It's important you don't neglect your health. Instead of shrugging off any niggling complaint, seek professional advice. It's entirely possible the problem is not with you, but related to your work environment. You might even find you aren't the only one who's suffering and others will be glad you have drawn attention to the problem.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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There's nothing more annoying than working with or living with someone who wants their own way all the time. True you have been most obliging in the past and you may have given others the impression you were happy for them to call the tune. Now you're starting to tire of their dictatorial attitude and you feel it's only fair they hear your views too. It won't happen overnight but you should slowly start to assert yourself to gain a better balance in relationships.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You could brighten up everyone else's day through putting your imaginative thoughts into words. You have the ability to tell a colourful tale or indeed spin a yarn if you feel this might help lighten a tense situation. Throw some humour into today's events and activities and your name will be on everyone's lips for some time to come! Evening could bring a surprise visitor to your door with even more good ideas.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Don't make decisions, alterations or take actions which could change domestic arrangements without consulting housemates. Going ahead with no thought for others and without checking with those who are likely to be affected could create friction in the family. Put yourself in other people's shoes. You wouldn't like it would you, if someone started making changes out of the blue without discussing it with you?

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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At times you might feel as if your work and responsibilities to others have taken over your life. In matters that have been challenging and problematical you're almost ready to throw in the towel. Hang on in there a wee while longer as your life will soon take an upturn and you will be able to cope. It might also help to pacify you if you tie up loose ends and arrange to pay off any outstanding debts so you can turn your attention to new things.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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If a loved one gets the chance to move up the career ladder, you will be behind them all the way. You won't even have to think about it; your response will be positive and encouraging. This is an excellent opportunity for you both to move forward and improve your joint lifestyle. Yes, there will be challenges ahead but there are plenty of advantages too if you and your mate stick together.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You might be having a problem trusting someone who hasn't been reliable in the past. They're making all the right noises and promising you the moon but you still can't let go of a feeling that perhaps they can't be depended on. You are right to go with your instincts. Anyway it's never good to put too much faith in one person. There are always ways to give them some responsibility while keeping control yourself.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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