
A group project is extremely frustrating. Everyone is battling for supremacy. Ignoring each other will only make a bad situation worse. Usually, you quickly gain dominance and lead everyone to victory. Adopt a more laid-back attitude. Listen more than you speak. A lucrative job is on its way to you. Any work that involves products that are both useful in these circumstances will put more money in your bank account. It helps that you are a visionary. Instead of copying other models, you develop fresh ideas that are eagerly received.

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Your stressed employer is making too many demands. It's time to establish some healthy boundaries. There's no reason you should always be on duty. Taking enough time off to rest between workdays is critical to your health. Be polite but firm with your demands. Updating your look will make you the object of everyone's desire. This is an ideal time to try new styles and add fashionable items to your wardrobe or embark on a waistline reducing regime of diet and exercise. Move with the times.

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You're not terribly impressed with a teacher, coach or mentor. Their wild ideas don't resonate with you. When you begin a course of study, you seek to acquire practical skills that increase your value to the world. Your instructor has other priorities. Treat the learning process as a spiritual practice. The more knowledge you obtain, the easier it will be to understand yourself. Suddenly, you'll gain insight to why certain ideas or practices fill you with dread. Overcoming this anxiety will be liberating.

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Someone is coming on too strong and you don't like it. Be clear that these overtures are unwanted. If you must file an official report, do it. Some people just can't get message until it's spelled out in capital letters on a neon sign. If someone is suggesting an impromptu party gently remind them that it's not the best idea rather than taking an aggressive approach. Them valuing your friendship will overrule their temporary lapse of good judgement.

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Pushing someone to do your bidding will backfire. No matter how much they want to please you, it will be impossible to meet your standards. Perform this job yourself, even if it means postponing routine chores. Your professional reputation is on the line. Thanks to your ability to put a creative spin on a mundane project, you'll be eyed up for a promotion. Are you unemployed? An extraordinary opportunity to work in an artistic environment could soon become available.

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Your body needs rest. Instead of pushing yourself to take exercise, enjoy a nap. Scale back your schedule and stop dwelling on troubling thoughts. By giving yourself a break from continual activity and worry, your natural vitality will be restored. If a wonderful idea for a book occurs to you while you're resting, jot it down. After a few days of reflecting on this concept, you'll write a wonderful opening chapter. The momentum will continue to build from there.

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A creative block is driving you to distraction. Rather than trying to blast through this brick wall, turn your attention to more mundane duties. Inspiration will come when you're sweeping the floor or dusting the furniture. When you're busy, your subconscious mind is liberated. Money from an inheritance, legal settlement or royalty cheque will arrive. Take this opportunity to buy some beautiful luxuries that have recently hit the market. You'll love launching a fad. People often take their style cues from you.

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A stressful home environment is wearing on your health. When the environment changes, find a better living situation. Moving to a quiet place where you can hear yourself think is vital. Give serious consideration to relocating to a rural setting, miles away from a busy city. Your romantic partner will get a big raise. Use some of this money to purchase a holiday home. Regularly visiting a place surrounded by greenery will be therapeutic. If you don't already garden, you'll develop a passion for it.

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Are you tired of arguing about politics? Find ways to change the subject to more enjoyable topics. Soon, you'll develop a newfound respect for someone with fixed opinions. Although you disagree with their ideas about current events, you'll like their artistic taste. Living more frugally now will give you a chance to enjoy more luxuries later. There's nothing wrong with leading a conventional life, at least for a little while. Take this opportunity to satisfy some debts. It will be a relief to achieve financial independence.

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Money won't solve your problems. Rather than struggling to earn more, relax and enjoy your life. You're missing the simple pleasures like lunch with a friend, a walk through the park or cuddling pets to ease your aching heart. When you return to these activities, you'll attract prosperity. Are you single? You'll soon meet someone whose earthy sense of humour makes you laugh. Together, you could build a comfortable life that is the envy of all your friends. If you have a partner, watch a funny movie together.

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Your pushy attitude makes relatives resentful. They don't share your desire to stand apart from the crowd. Your nearest and dearest prefer to blend in with society. This is one of those situations where it's best to live and let live. Living your own way will be lonely at first, but you'll come to appreciate the solitude. While you're realising an unusual goal, everybody else will be busy with routine work. Don't worry; they'll want to join you for a celebration after crossing the finish line.

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It's very difficult to get official paperwork processed, especially at this time. No matter how many times you call and enquire, things remain stuck. Channel your energy in a more rewarding direction. Don't panic about an approaching deadline. All is well. Remember the Universe is on your side. By trusting that everything is working to your advantage, you'll overcome a long, protracted struggle. Others may have horror stories about similar situations. Turn a deaf ear to these tales; you're in a different position.

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