
Attending to spiritual matters should be the first order of business. The work week may have begun, but routine responsibilities can wait. Take a few moments to connect with whatever makes life sacred to you. Communing with nature, reading an inspirational book or spending time with a cherished pet are all ways to transcend oppressive realities. Pretending not to care about divine matters will make it hard to carry out daily duties. Rushing from one job to another will result in burnout.

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Being surrounded by artistic people fuels your own creative impulses. This is a great time to work with your hands. Making jewellery, furniture or clothes appeals to your love of beauty. Don't let a mean spirited critic undermine your enjoyment of this project. It may be best to keep your work secret from others. The last thing you want is for a jealous rival to break your stride. You have incredible instincts about colour, form and style. Obey them.

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You have a reputation for being quick on your feet. When someone throws you a curve ball, you have no problem hitting it squarely. That's why everybody wants you on their team. Work has been so demanding you haven't had much time for domestic pursuits. Family is anxious to spend more time with you. Although it's nice to be needed at home, you're more comfortable when you're on the job. If you keep operating at this exceptional level, you'll land a promotion.

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You're ready to head in a new direction. A teaching, writing or lecturing job could be handed to you. You'll be surprised how much you learn from your students. Being around enthusiastic people who are eager to learn will give you a renewed appreciation for your favourite subject. Beware of putting all your trust into someone who will show you the ropes. Their version of the facts may not be entirely accurate. Wait to form your own judgements.

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The barriers will come down between you and a loved one. Take this opportunity to discuss the elephant in the room. You'll both be so relieved once a delicate subject has been addressed. If you've been thinking of maintaining separate bank accounts, take the plunge. Staying out of each other's financial business can put your relationship back on track. You should each remain responsible for contributing to shared expenses. Having your own cash will put an end to senseless bickering.

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Teaming up with a creative individual will be beneficial for you both. Beware of heaping your partner with criticism. You'll both fare much better if you stay out of each other's way. You can focus on practical details while your friend handles the big picture. It will be a relief to concentrate on aspects of work that really excite you. Not only will this alliance bring lots of intellectual stimulation, but it will also allow you to spend more time on the people and activities you love most.

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Beware of biting off more than you can chew at work. If you're over your head, ask for assistance. Do you have your own business? This would be an opportune time to hire more staff. Beware of putting friends and relatives on the payroll. It's better to engage people who have extensive experience. The worst thing that can happen to a personal relationship is to complicate it with business. Look for help outside of your social network.

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Make more time for fun, adventure and romance. Recently, you've made a lot of sacrifices for your family. You've earned a reward. Take some time off work and kick up your heels. Don't let a disapproving friend diminish your spirits. You can't be expected to shoulder all the burdens. If you keep putting your desires on hold, you'll become angry and resentful. Nobody wants to see that. Book a holiday before you start second guessing yourself. A long trip to a seaside resort is just the ticket.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Home is a tranquil haven from public life. You've always been a social butterfly, but even you require a break from time to time. Sneak off to your place and draw the curtains. Turn off your mobile and stay away from the computer. Use this time to rest, reflect and dream. Catch up on your reading or watch a movie. Eventually, your natural vivacity will come roaring back. Don't take calls from work. Your colleagues have to learn how to function without you.

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A research project will give lots of intellectual stimulation. It's fun trying to solve a mystery. Don't share your findings with others. This information could be highly explosive. The last thing you want is to hurt innocent people. Knowing the real story will give you a hidden advantage. If you hear about an imminent job opening that is perfect for you, get your CV ready. Gather work samples and collect references. Being ahead of the pack will give you a distinct advantage.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Spotting a hidden moneymaking opportunity fills you with excitement. Don't get talked into investing your own hard earned cash into an emerging enterprise. It's better to work for a commission. Your powers of persuasion are strong. You'll have no trouble generating sales and attracting clients. Before long, you could be offered a stake in the business. This is a deal you should definitely accept. The profits from this venture could allow you to retire early or buy a holiday home.

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Your ability to blend in with the crowd will serve you well. Listen more than you speak. You'll hear some things that can be used to your advantage. An agent or manager who is looking for creative talent is worth contacting. Making money from artistic pursuits will give you a tremendous lift. Be prepared to encounter some jealousy. Someone who has always been envious of your gifts will hurl unfair criticisms. Turn a deaf ear to these hurtful remarks. You've earned your success.

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