
Financial obligations could be a source of strain today, as you're spending more than you make. Fortunately, you've never found it hard to switch gears. Use the energy of today's lunar eclipse to turn over a new leaf. By cutting back on luxuries, you can pay off any outstanding debts that have been draining you of emotional and physical energy. A sympathetic friend will help you through any dark patches you experience.

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It's hard not to be emotional today, as relationship matters come to a head. A promise that was made in good faith could come crashing to the ground. Alternatively, a romance that once looked promising may wither on the vine. It's even possible that your affection for a lover will start to wane. Whatever the source of your emotional turmoil, you need to make a fresh start. The old way is no longer working.

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Rest and renewal is the order of the day, when the proverbial straw breaks your back. You've always been so good at juggling tasks you have no trouble accepting more and more. Today you'll discover even you have limits. If you feel nervous exhaustion set in, take a self-enforced break. Going on an extended break or working from the privacy of your own home will restore your high spirits.

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Over the past six months, your lifestyle and interests have undergone radical changes. It should be no surprise, then, that certain friends are moving out of your life. And while you may feel a bit lonely now, take comfort in the fact that you're about to form a whole new social circle. This fresh set of friends will support your work and encourage your dreams. With their help, you'll have no trouble finding success.

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A professional upheaval prompts you to reassess your career goals. You've been blessed with considerable creative ability, and may not be able to develop these talents in your current position. Take this opportunity to branch out in a new direction, even if it means leaving a lucrative situation behind for one that offers more money. Be prepared to accept any unusual job offers that come your way. Change is in the air!

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Public scandals are causing you to question principles that you once held dear. Resist the urge to call yourself na ve. The fact is, your high ideals have helped you through difficult times in the past. So long as you use them as a personal yard stick, rather than a means to judge others, they'll still do their work. Resist the urge to criticise others for not living up to your standards, or bitterness will ensue.

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Commissions, bonuses, and royalties will be the focus of attention today. If a source of income suddenly dries up, don't panic. This turn of events is just making way for bigger and better opportunities. Your best course of action is to stay calm and keep the faith. Regenerative activities like sex, yoga, and art will keep panic at bay. A whole new cycle has begun. Adopting a positive attitude turns the tide in your favour.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A romantic or business partnership requires every ounce of your attention. If things have been rocky between the two of you, the time has come to either break up or stay together. If you decide to break up, make it a permanent arrangement. Don't torture yourselves by calling each other or arranging chance meetings. In the event you agree to stay together, you've got to change your ways, and don't backslide. Persistence is essential.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A pleasant routine is about to come to an end, and isn't likely to return. And while you've never been the type to cling to set arrangements, you can't help but feel a sense of loss. Give yourself time to mourn, and then vow to make the best of this new arrangement. Finding different ways to satisfy your needs will be a challenge, but an interesting one. You'll discover an appreciation for creature comforts that is most delightful.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A romantic issue that has been on the back burner will suddenly boil over. You can't afford to look the other way at a lover's bad behaviour. Issuing an ultimatum will be the only way you can resolve this matter without doing more damage to your already bruised heart. If you're single, it may be because you've attached too much importance to wealth. Be a little more open-minded towards kind but struggling suitors.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Drama in your domestic life will come to a conclusion today. Whether you've been looking for a house, enhancing an existing property, or selling off an old residence is immaterial. The important thing is that a big change is in the works, forcing an attitude adjustment. Stop having unfair expectations of loved ones who can't handle transitions as quickly as you. The more compassionate you are, the stronger your familial bonds will become.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Some shocking news will shake you to your core, so be prepared. Although you're remarkably perceptive, somebody's deception has managed to slip beneath your radar. There really wasn't anything you could have done about this situation, so don't blame yourself. Instead, renew your commitment to people who have been loyal and loving through good times and bad. Otherwise, cynicism will set in, robbing you of joy that is rightfully yours.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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