
It's time to share your knowledge with students who will benefit from it. You enjoy working with people who are eager to advance themselves. Because you're easily adaptable, it's easy for you to adjust lessons to individual learning styles. Some will prefer a hands on approach, while others will want to work from detailed notes. Do your best to accommodate both types of pupils. Joining the ranks of an educational organisation will enhance your professional prospects.

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You have the chance to make an empire out of some recently acquired knowledge. Don't make the mistake of trying to do everything yourself. Assembling a team of experienced professionals will help you avoid the pitfalls involved with new enterprises. Listen carefully to someone who understands the nuances of social media. It's easy to trigger a public relations disaster in this age of mass communication. You always do best when you think carefully before you act. Rome wasn't built in a day.

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You're ready for an adventure. Team up with a friend who shares your love of excitement. Traveling off the beaten path, taking a course in outdoor survival or launching a blog will give you both a thrill. It's important for you to break an old routine and venture into unknown territory. At times, you'll feel isolated and alienated. It's never easy being an outsider. Subjecting yourself to unfamiliar vistas will help you grow. You'll become more compassionate and emotionally resilient.

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Stand up for what you believe. Speaking as you find is always scary, but it's the only way you can live with yourself. You're tired of watching a vulnerable person being treated as a scapegoat. Until you come to their defence, they'll continue to be abused. Don't be surprised when other colleagues rally behind you after you address the elephant in the room. Most of the group shares your discomfort. They were just too scared to say anything. You're much more brave.

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Promote your interests. Your charisma is stronger than ever. It will be very difficult to resist your charm. Whether you want a job, relationship or creative opportunity, you will get what you want if you ask for it. At first, you'll think your efforts are falling flat. The person you approach will seem cold and distant. Don't be discouraged. Keep pressing your point. Be upbeat and humorous. You will know you are making progress when you evoke some laughter.

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Be careful about the company you keep. Just because someone is witty and charming doesn't mean you should join forces. You will fare much better with friends who are sincere, compassionate and conscientious. Joining forces with such people will infuse you with positive energy. Suddenly, you'll feel you can handle odious tasks that once deflated you. That's because you'll have the support of people who are concerned with your wellbeing. Take their advice for developing an effective coping strategy.

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Don't be shy about putting your romantic instincts on display. Anyone who makes fun of your grandiose style is secretly jealous. When you dress the way you want, you attract admirers in droves. If you're single, you'll have your choice of suitors. Choose a cultured person who shares your love of travel. Are you already in a relationship? Your amour will take you on a glamorous holiday. Instead of worrying excessively about domestic responsibilities, throw caution to the wind and have a great time.

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You're tired of dealing with the stress of public life. Take a break and enjoy domestic pursuits. Stock the pantry, prepare some comfort food and invite your loved ones over for a movie marathon. A relative who has been having a difficult time will appreciate this interlude. It's nice to know you are making a positive difference in someone else's life. If the news is getting you down, stay away from the computer and smartphone. Read uplifting books and listen to inspiring music.

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Socialising lifts your spirits. You enjoy exchanging ideas with people from different walks of life. Someone who has recently moved to your community shares your love of learning. Taking a course together will be illuminating. You'll both do very well, since you'll be able to trade notes, quiz each other and hold one another accountable. Celebrate your top grades by taking a trip together. Head for an unusual destination that appeals to your offbeat sensibilities. A group tour package isn't your style.

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Indulge your extravagant taste. You work hard and should have something to show for your efforts. Some people will shake their heads and call you extravagant. They resent your success. Instead of getting defensive, focus on how much pleasure your purchases bring. Don't save luxury items for special occasions. Use them regularly. These indulges will serve as constant reminders of your success. If you feel guilty about spoiling yourself, make a donation to charity. Sharing the wealth will be rewarding.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You have a childlike faith in your ideals. This is a wonderful time to pursue a lofty goal. Whether you want to reach a personal best, get an advanced degree or go on an overseas trip is immaterial. The important thing is to make a step by step plan to achieve this aim. Your friends will naturally be eager to help. Call on them when you need a reference or discount. One word from an influential person can put you on the path to victory.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You've always been sensitive to the human condition. In the past, people mocked you for being oversensitive. Your reaction was to hide your true feelings beneath a tough facade. Instead of falling victim to peer pressure, be true to yourself. Be vocal about the issues that upset you. Getting involved with a prominent humanitarian organisation will be a great way to express your compassionate nature. If you play your cards right, you will be offered a high profile salaried position at this agency.

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