
An emotional or financial gamble will fail. It's better to conserve your resources. If you crave excitement, launch a creative project. This work will be more demanding than you expect, but at least it will feed your spirit, not drain it. Don't be afraid to put an innovative spin on old forms. You'll gain fame and acclaim for your astonishing vision. Eventually, you might even sell your work for a handsome profit. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

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Letting domestic responsibilities fall by the wayside is a mistake. You have to keep on top of these jobs. Coming home to chaotic surroundings will undermine your productivity. Enlist the aid of relatives and roommates to straighten up and get supplies. Cook some meals that can be eaten later. This will give you more free time when you want it. If you're on your own, think about hiring a cleaning service. The expense will be an investment in your own happiness.

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Don't assume you know everything about a particular subject. Someone whose knowledge trumps yours can teach you a thing or two. Be open to learning from someone who is younger or less experienced. Their insights will help you reach heights you never dreamed possible. It doesn't matter who your teacher is, as long as you give them the proper respect. By letting your instructor take you under their wing, your understanding will become even deeper and more extensive. Push yourself.

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You should avoid unnecessary extravagances. While it seems you can afford a few luxuries, some emergency expenses will crop up. Having money in the bank will allow you to weather this storm. Fortunately, an exciting career opportunity is on the horizon, but you will have to work like lightning to land it. Don't let unusual hours or extreme circumstances discourage you from pursuing this position. You will find the challenges of this job stimulating. It will also bring in some extra income.

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Don't overestimate your importance in a relationship. Making too many demands will drive your best friend or romantic partner away. Instead of expecting help, find ways to be useful to your loved one. A kind gesture or sincere compliment can dissolve resentment that has been building. If you're single, keep an open mind about dating. You will hit it off with someone who seems to be your complete opposite. Their aloof sophistication will be an interesting counterbalance to your sizzling star power.

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Resist the temptation to escape to a fantasy world. Face the facts about a stressful work situation. If it's time to find a new job, start looking. Taking control of your destiny will be empowering. You have the ability to land a much better position. Turn a deaf ear to a rival who is always trying to undermine your confidence. You're one of the most talented people in your field. There's no reason to doubt your abilities. Showcase your accomplishments during job interviews.

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Making friends with someone just because they can boost your status is a mistake. You don't want to get a reputation for being an opportunist. If you feel a genuine connection with someone, forge a relationship. When somebody rubs you the wrong way, keep your distance. You will achieve success based on your own abilities. Your progress might be slower than you want, but hang in there. Eventually, you will get to where you would like to be. Let others climb the social ladder.

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An abuse of power will backfire. You have to play by the book. When you do exercise your influence, do it gently. There's no need to push people around. If someone refuses to do as they're told, you can quietly tell them to leave. Call security if necessary. Your primary goal should be to move the group forward. This can't happen by creating an atmosphere of fear. Make the work environment a place where diligence is rewarded and laziness is penalised.

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You feel strongly about a political issue. This doesn't give you license to preach to others. It will be practically impossible to convert others to your point of view. Not only that, but these attempts to change opinion will create enemies. Keep your thoughts to yourself and focus on doing a good job. Working alongside a creative genius will be inspiring. Suddenly, you'll develop new ways of doing things that are faster and more efficient. Focus on changing yourself, rather than others.

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Legal problems will arise from a group fund. You will have to fight for your fair share of this money. Don't make any hasty decisions. An angry email or post on social media will come back to haunt you. Hire a lawyer to represent you and handle all communications. That way, you won't put yourself in jeopardy. It may take a long time for this matter to be resolved, so be patient. Fortunately, you're good at pacing yourself. Your opponent is almost certain to crash and burn.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's time to make more demands of a close friend or romantic partner. You're tired of doing all the heavy lifting. Unless you speak up, nothing will change. You might have to issue an ultimatum or go your own way for a time. You're a talented person with many options. There's no reason to stay in a situation that is inhibiting your potential. Your loved one will change their tune once they see you mean business. You're too precious to neglect.

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You'll be asked to assume additional responsibilities at work. Be open to acquiring new skills. A negative attitude could result in a job loss. Even if you're unhappy with your current employer, you should take this opportunity to expand your knowledge. The more you know, the greater your value will be to the job market. Pay your dues now as a means to forge a happier, healthier career. The opportunity to join a start up company is around the corner.

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