
Activities and events these next few days will put you in touch with your creative intention: your inner fire. Once you investigate the changes you are considering in order to help you achieve a personal goal, you will feel more confident and in control. It could be you are about to have another go at something you failed at or turned down in the past. Don't look upon this as having been a mistake but part of your learning process.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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The feelings growing within you today are to protect, nurture and encourage those you care for. Every relationship offers you the potential to learn something about yourself and currently you are realising you are getting more out of giving than receiving. Whatever you do for others now, you aren't counting the cost. A generous gesture, the offer to assist someone, a favour you do for a colleague has no ulterior motive. You're doing it out of the kindness of your heart.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A new career move could mean you will be opening unknown doors and venturing into areas where you have had no previous experience. Uncertainty holds you back. Hesitate for too long and the chance will go to another. You're focusing too much on the worse things that could happen as you move into change. Instead you should be looking at the brighter and more positive likely consequences.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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What you might discover today is other people can hide themselves, even in intimate relationships. Someone you thought you knew inside out may reveal a more adventurous side and you can't help worrying about their increasing restlessness. Before you start imagining they're growing bored with your company this will not be the case at all. Any travel plans or changes they're considering for the future rest assured: you're included in them!

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Changing your mind about a financial or legal agreement could be one of the best decisions you have made lately. Don't feel guilty about rehashing issues you still aren't one hundred per cent sure of. Keep at it until you know you've got it right for you. Don't worry if a professional grumbles about the extra work you are putting them to. No one is indispensable. If they aren't working in your best interests, you might find someone better for the job!

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Over the next few days you're likely to be working through matters involving a partner and money. Not necessarily in that order and not necessarily linked. During the course of some proceedings you may shed a few tears and there may be a need to look at some of your old memories in the face. You might realise you have been neglecting your own needs for the sake of keeping someone else happy and it's time to make some changes in your life to restore the balance.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Meeting colleagues and people you've never dealt with before could turn out to be an amazing experience. Ideas, suggestions and offers put to you by others helps to unblock a part of you that felt as if life was becoming tedious. New inspirations and optimism starts to flow. You are at a crossroads and ready to go a different way. A decision to make some changes in the future can happen spontaneously but instinct will tell you it's time to try a new direction in life.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Quick progress will be made over the next few days; you have a strong desire to get things done. Take the chance now while you're feeling so energetic and assertive to create conditions so they are to your liking. Concentrate on projects which are close to being finished. Issues concerning you are best dealt with by you. If you are single and an opportunity for romance arises, you should take it.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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New contacts are being made; your spouse, housemates and family are supportive of your goals. Loved ones will be actively involved in your social life as business opportunities come through attending social and official functions. Mixing with people both close by and at a distance can be advantageous. If you're in business for yourself, marketing, advertising and PR are all important in promoting your business.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Change is never very easy but sometimes very necessary. In pursuing your main interests, you need to rid yourself of habits, emotional patterns and ties which have outlived their usefulness. You might be looking ahead and forming new professional, educational or travel goals. If you're involved in a field you are happy with already, you might still be making long term changes in your particular area.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Professional affairs take up a lot of your time and energy; it won't hurt to put your feet up, rest and relax more. Mixing with creative types, people in the travel business and worldly wise folk will bring you into contact with new opportunities. An unexpected source of income will help plug the leak in your financial vessel and greater enhances your long term monetary future.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If you have insurance or royalty claims pending, as your grandmother would have advised: don't spend it all at once! The wheel of life is turning and at last many things are starting to work in your favour. Where you invest your money will either bring you future gain or future loss. This is not a time therefore to indulge in any frivolous or foolish whims. The right choices are important.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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