
You'll be invited to join an exclusive organisation. Although you want to maintain your independence, it would be wise to team up with this interesting group. You'll benefit from these alliances, both personally and professionally. If you're looking for love, you could find it with a friendly person who admires your courage. Are you intent on forging a new path in your career? Your fellow members will help you make this change. Never underestimate the importance of having the right connections.

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Moving up the ladder to success fills you with pride. At long last, you'll be given the independence you want to develop creative ideas. Don't worry about fitting in with the crowd. You'll achieve prominence by offering an alternative to the status quo. If you're thinking of starting your own business, gather a team of offbeat people with unusual talents. Such workers will serve you better than conventional types who are afraid to think outside the box. Make your mark.

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A sudden opportunity to expand your horizons should be immediately accepted. If you hear of a space opening on a tour, a course being offered in your community or a chance to join a club or society, apply immediately. Space will fill quickly and you don't want to be excluded. You can always make practical arrangements for work, childcare and pet sitting later. The important thing is to say 'yes' to whatever the Universe wants to give you. Exploring unfamiliar vistas will put you on the path to love.

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A passionate encounter will be transformative. Instead of settling for second best, you'll become more demanding. This is a good thing. In the past, you tended to compromise too readily. This undermined your efforts. Once you join forces with a romantic partner who believes in you, things will turn around in your favour. It will be easier to challenge conventional types who are afraid to do something truly innovative and effective. You'll find the courage to end habits that have been dragging you down.

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A partnership will turn your life around for the better. Team up with someone who possesses strengths that you lack. This will help you realise dreams you've had since childhood. It doesn't matter whether this is a romantic, business or creative alliance. The important thing is to come together with someone who takes a highly logical approach to problem solving. When you become overwhelmed, they'll be ready to take the reins, steering you both to victory. Your passion is a powerful engine, but it can sometimes cloud your vision.

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A wonderful job is yours for the asking. In the past, you were resigned to taking whatever work was available. Gaining experience was more important than being comfortable. Now that you've acquired some important skills, you've paved the way for more rewarding opportunities. Being able to work in a company that rewards innovative thinking will be the answer to a prayer. Not only will you enjoy your duties, but you'll feel a kinship with your colleagues, who are similarly inventive.

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Your love life is burning with the intensity of a bright star. If you're in a relationship, you'll turn a corner with your amour. You may decide to get engaged or married. It's possible you'll have a child together. Collaborating on a creative project is another prospect. Whatever the circumstance, it will fuel your mutual passion. Are you single? You'll meet a unique person where you least expect it. Don't resist going on a date with someone whose background is radically different from your own.

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Your domestic situation will improve by leaps and bounds. It's possible you'll welcome a relative or roommate into your household. Selling a property or some land for a handsome profit is another possibility. You may relocate to a beautiful new space. Even better, all three things could happen. Wonderful events are linked together like pearls on a string. Signing a binding agreement is strongly advised. You can negotiate a great rate in a home loan. Lock it in now, while the stars are firmly behind you.

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You'll have a platform for bold ideas. There's never been a better time to write a book, launch a blog or record a podcast. People are receptive to your unique viewpoint. After just a few people see your work, word of your talent will spread like wildfire. It's a great time to sign a contract. If you're not happy with the terms you are originally offered, propose others. You can get everything you want, provided you stick to your guns and hope for the best.

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Patience and perseverance pay off. You'll be offered a lucrative job as thanks for all the hard work you've performed. Your new position will be challenging. Instead of being expected to maintain order, you'll be encouraged to foster creativity. This means finding out how to motivate every member of your team. Some people will require lavish praise while others will need continual guidance. Trust your gut when choosing your approach to individuals. Your intuition is unfailingly accurate.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're enthusiastic about the future and with good reason. Several opportunities for personal advancement have fallen into your lap. Choose the one that excites your imagination. You've been blessed with extraordinary gifts, so you shouldn't expect to lead an ordinary life. Venturing off the beaten path is your best bet. Unlike times in the past, your nearest and dearest will support this latest adventure. They've learned you can't be held to conventional standards.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A visionary like you should aim for the stars. Taking the safe path is one of the most dangerous things you can do. You're meant to build castles in the air and propose exciting alternatives. If this means retreating to a private hideaway where you feel free to express yourself, so be it. An affluent friend will offer to be your patron, giving you a work space and salary to develop your gifts. Accept this generous offer with a grateful heart. It is heaven sent.

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