
Exciting progress on the professional front is occurring. You could be singled out for an award, promotion or raise. If you've been looking for work, a position that is tailored to your strengths will become available. Be sure to relay your extensive experience and detailed knowledge of this field. You're clearly the best candidate for this spot. Don't be afraid to toot your own horn. A prospective employer is looking for someone who is self assured. Modest individuals aren't cut out for such work.

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It's important to obey your conscience, even if that means turning down a lucrative job or ending an old friendship. Condoning bad or even illegal behaviour won't sit well with you. You have to be honest about where you stand. People will admire you for withstanding temptation. If you're dealing with a friend who is being disrespectful or even abusive to others, make your opposition clear. Do not deal with this individual until they clean up their act.

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Making financial plans for the future is strongly advised. Take this opportunity to create a will, put money into a retirement account or take out an insurance policy. It's counterintuitive for a perpetually youthful person like you to think this far into the future. Instead of putting off such a task, tackle it now. Once it is dispatched, you'll feel a lot more secure. Best of all, you'll be able to cross it off your list of things to do.

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An influential friend will be helpful with a publicity campaign. Whether you're looking for a new job, promoting a fundraiser or garnering support for a creative project, this bigwig is ready to assist you. You might have to do a lot more work than you expected, but don't complain. This advice is worth its weight in gold. If you have to knock on a few doors or place an advertisement, do so. You'll be pleasantly surprised by the results.

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Take your skills seriously. If there are gaps in your knowledge, enrol in some classes. The more you know, the greater your value is to the workplace. Getting up to speed on the latest software programs and high tech gadgets may not be fun, but it will be empowering. Are you unemployed? Think about transitioning into a growing field. This will eliminate the need to find another position in a year or two. Having a reliable job will bring you long term financial security.

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A romantic relationship is getting serious. The prospect of creating a rewarding life together is exciting. If you really want to put your partner to the test, go on a short trip together. If you can subject yourselves to an unfamiliar environment and still have a good time, you belong together. Are you already with the love of your life? Think about renewing your commitment with a beautiful piece of jewellery. Buying a holiday home together is another good possibility.

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Organising your household is a great way to relieve tension. Be willing to get rid of anything you haven't used in over a year. Stow everything else you don't use regularly in storage boxes, filing cabinets and storage bags. You might even want to make a list of inventory so you can easily locate what you need, when you want it. You don't have to finish the entire job overnight. Just tackle one area at a time and give yourself a reward with each task you finish.

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It would be wise to keep your thoughts to yourself, especially about friends. It's important to maintain the bridges you've built instead of burning them. When people engage in gossip, move to another area where you can't hear what is being said. That way, you can't be accused of participating. Someone's scandalous behaviour is causing lots of commotion. Instead of commenting on it, write down your thoughts. You might be able to turn these reflections into a short story or novel.

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Be conservative with your spending. Although you have some excess cash, it should be kept in the bank in case of emergency. Being able to cover unexpected expenses will relieve lots of stress. The last thing you want to worry about is money when you're trying to get veterinary care for an animal or buy a plane ticket to see an ailing friend. A kind relative will be able to give you some additional resources, but it's better to foot this bill by yourself.

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Your discipline, hard work and patience will pay off. Don't be surprised when you're sent on a glamorous business trip. Your boss is confident you will represent the company well. If you're self employed, think about taking a long distance holiday. Visiting an exotic country will be ample reward for your diligence. Whether you go away for business or pleasure, you will encounter lots of romantic interest. Your confidence acts like an aphrodisiac. All this admiration will be great.

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Working on a secret project will be stimulating. You can be trusted to keep the details of your work under wraps. Once the final product has been submitted, you'll be awarded a handsome bonus. Use this money to buy something lavish. You've never been materialistic, but you do admire things that combine form with function. Purchasing a stylish gadget will give you a thrill. Stop depriving yourself of the finer things in life. Give yourself a reward.

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Friends will offer encouragement. Lean on your loved ones if you're about to make a big move. Entering into a partnership is scary, but it's less intimidating when you have an external support network. It's possible you will be taking someone else's name, merging businesses or assuming a different set of responsibilities. Change is good for you. When you feel insecure, help will be just a phone call away. Don't hesitate to ask for the reinforcement you're always giving to others.

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