
Adopting a spiritual practice will make you feel stronger, healthier and more confident. The modern world is so hectic. Sometimes it's difficult to remember there is more to life than money and status. Taking a little time out of your schedule will make your days much more pleasant. It will become easier to cope with stress and put problems in their proper perspective. You might not want to tell others about this ritual. It's nice to have some parts of yourself kept private.

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You'll be asked to take charge of a creative project. Having the confidence of the group will give your ego a much-needed boost. At times, you are intimidated by artistic people, fearing you don't measure up. Stop buying into this self-doubt. You've been blessed with a marvellous imagination. The more time you pour into beautifying the world, the greater your self-assurance becomes. Your team will respond well to your leadership style, which is low key and reassuring. Have fun; you've earned it.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Making a personal sacrifice will boost your reputation. People admire your willingness to step aside for the sake of a loved one. Whether this means turning down a promotion, cutting back your work hours or taking your name off a big project is irrelevant. The important thing is to put your energy to caring for someone who is in a difficult position. Don't worry. This selfless gesture will be repaid. The Universe rewards those who put their faith in its bounty.

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Being able to show off your expertise will be gratifying. You enjoy sharing your knowledge with eager students. Pupils blossom in your classroom. That's because you truly care for their welfare. That doesn't mean you have to become best friends with them, but taking an interest in their lives will help them succeed. Working for a salary is fine, but you prefer a job that has emotional rewards. Opening people's minds to liberating concepts will be one of the greatest things you'll ever do.

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Trust your instincts about money. Combining resources with a fellow creative will be profitable for you both. You should focus on public relations while your partner works behind the scenes. Providing people with merchandise and services that makes their life more comfortable is a great use of your natural ability. You're always looking for ways to rest, relax and enjoy the finer things in life. By sharing your love of luxury with others, you will create long term financial stability.

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You'll assume the lead in a close partnership. Although your comrade is smart and capable, they lack your eye for detail. By going over every aspect of a project with a fine-toothed comb, you'll detect several errors. These mistakes won't be major; it will only take a few minutes to fix each of them. By working with care and precision, you'll be able to deliver a flawless performance. As a result, both you and your friend will be given a plum position you've both wanted for months.

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Finding a job with a spiritual component is strongly advised. You've got great taste and a fine mind. Too much critical thought can cause headaches. Doing work that has a soothing, reassuring quality to it will be rewarding. You'll take pride in your accomplishments. Going the extra mile will be a pleasure, not a burden. Best of all, you'll have a renewed respect for the human race. When you devote your life to helping others, the world seems kinder and gentler.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You will earn fame and acclaim for your creative work. People admire your distinctive style. Their appreciation is therapeutic. There was once a time when rivals denigrated your work, claiming it was too strange or dark to have popular appeal. Now the worm has turned and you're enjoying success while your competitors are struggling. If you've been looking for love, you could find it with a fan. It will seem like you can read each other's mind without exchanging a word. This could be the partner of your dreams.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Living near a body of water can soothe your restless energy. Even if you are land locked, you can benefit from an indoor fountain or aquarium. When your stress level starts to mount, focusing on flowing water will be therapeutic. You might also want to invest in a machine that plays sounds of waves breaking on the shore. Listening to such natural music will help you drift off to sleep, easily and naturally. Never underestimate the importance of rest to your overall health.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Anything educational that stretches your mind and challenges your views and values will bring you a lot of pleasure. It's time to immerse yourself in a subject that fills you with wonder. The knowledge you acquire will put you in contact with fellow enthusiasts. You may have such a great time talking online that you'll decide to meet every year in person. Such pilgrimages will greatly appeal to you. You've always preferred friendships that involve meaningful conversation.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Donating time, energy and money to a humanitarian cause is a great idea. You're tired of worrying about making ends meet. Helping those who are less fortunate will be a powerful reminder of how blessed you truly are. If you're struggling hard and losing ground, think about applying for government assistance. Getting help with food and housing will take the pressure off your shoulders, allowing you to be present for those who love and depend on you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't wait for inspiration to strike; just get to work. The simple act of moving a pen over a piece of paper can give way to a great story. The same principle holds true if you paint, design clothes, bake bread or make furniture. Just get your hands dirty and let your imagination do the rest. Your dedication to your craft is admirable. There are days when you're struggling for ideas and other times when your creativity flows like a mighty river. Either way, it pays to show up.

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