
Prepare to meet someone who has a considerable affect on your world and your caring, sharing side. Having serious doubts about a relationship, even though you want it to work out? The best thing you can do is spend time apart. The distance will allow you to plan rational decisions about the future. You can't expect to make the right moves when your emotions are in constant turmoil.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Good health is a necessity to doing the things you want to do, how's yours? The week ahead will require a great deal of hard work and concentration, so enjoy these last relaxing hours. Do whatever it is that makes you feel like the proverbial cat on the mat. Fix yourself some comfort food and wile away the day. There's nothing wrong with spending the entire day in bed if you so desire. Later, you'll be glad you took this break.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Love is your reason for living so ensure you get plenty of what makes you feel warm inside today. Endlessly turning over a problem in your mind will give you a headache. It's best to turn it over to your subconscious to work out this matter. Turn your attention to the leisure and pleasure of life. The solution to your dilemma may pop into your head right in the middle of fun!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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A stay-at-home day when you get the best of the what the stars have to offer. Set some of the day aside to decorate your home from top to bottom a tree, tinsel and fairy lights. A natural born host or hostess like you is bound to host several parties over the season of good will. In fact start as you mean to go on by hurling open your door and inviting folks in impromptu to taste your Advent hospitality!

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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News comes your way or something is delivered that makes your day and everyone else's! You are the most popular person around so put some special touches to your appearance. Try a new hairstyle or fashion dress. There's no better way to attract attention than to change your look in some way. Choose drama over convention. You're one of the few signs that can carry off daring fashion trends. And when you do then ho-ho-ho will follow!

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Don't be trapped by emotional blackmail if it affects your spending habits steer clear of sentiment! Family finances can be a source of contention, especially now that Noel is here. Be sure to create a budget, and stick to it. Once the festivities are over, you'll have to contend with the bills. Try to start off the New Year with as few debts as possible. It's the ultimate gift to yourself and where will you be if you cave in to other's wishes? Up the swannee!

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Womblike security is what you need today or you'll end up looking ravaged and fit for nothing. You're determined to get your own way for once, but that doesn't mean you have to create a scene. If you anticipate opposition, chances are you'll get it. Assume that everybody will agree to your plan. Your confident attitude will convert even the biggest sceptics in your group. Why court an argument if you can avoid it?

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Peace and tranquillity is the only thing you should ask for today avoid crowds like the plague. This is a good time to catch up on all the tasks that have eluded you during the week. Pay your bills, send out cards, and return phone calls. You'll feel agreeably relaxed and happy after such a productive day. Spend a quiet evening in the company of folks you like. A Sunday roast will go down a treat on a day for comfort and joy.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A new friend is ready to walk into your life but only if you get out and about today. Doing humanitarian or volunteer work makes you immune to the crass commercialism of the season. There really are good-hearted people out there, provided you take the time to look for them. A child may be especially eager to help you. This is a great way to get them into the habit of performing good deeds and not screaming after every ad on TV.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A career offer is in the offing but don't accept if emotional strings are attached. The presence of so many lunar aspects in your zodiac zone of ambition and success means you are on the verge of something big. However, if people want you to be so grateful to you that it makes you feel obligated then forget it. Whatever you are given today should come from the heart and because you merit it, not for a quid pro quo.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Look beyond your locality for good luck and fortune as it will come from many miles away. It feels as though your long-term vision is in crisis, but it's pointless to worry now. It's better to focus on those things you have control over. With the Moon in your international and intellectual house you are in an enviable position to further your cause and interest in both - and by doing very little!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Sexually you may not feel rampant but someone is rampant for you so are you ready for action? You're tempted to cut Christmas corners, but there's festive preparations to be made! Do yourself a favour and make an early start for the shops. Set small but attainable goals. Once you've done your Yuletide bit you can settle down for a cracker of a day doing whatever you fancy, and some!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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