
You're growing impatient with a colleague who could do with pulling their socks up. You have a strong suspicion that a work routine is not smooth as it could be due to their carelessness. Instead of blaming others when things go wrong, start looking for as many efficient and effective ways of working, living or travelling as possible.

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You will be nominated to organise a family get-together or holiday. This will not be easy when a few of you will have to rearrange your schedule to fit it in. You will be glad everyone is making an effort as you just want to share time with your loved ones and catch up on what has been going on in their separate lives.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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If a proposal someone puts to you sounds too costly to be worth your while, don't leave them waiting for an answer. Let them know it isn't for you. A friendship does not put you under any obligation to accept all invitations made. You alone can choose what to get involved in and what not to.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You will prefer to keep behind the scenes in whatever job you happen to be getting on with. You have no interest whatsoever in being out front in the limelight. If you are able to work the way you want to, you will progress in a slow, steady way and will not be rushed.

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Be sure to respond to a text message or email from an old friend. One consequence of this message could be a spur of the moment invitation to visit someone from far away. You're feeling particularly creative and this could manifest in any shape or form but as will be true throughout the day, love will be both your subject and your inspiration.

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You can't keep up with a colleague who is zooming through the days with no thought to whether you or others they are leaving behind might need a helping hand. You certainly can't give them any credit for subtlety or care. Should they ask you for a reference you would be hard pressed to think of anything positive to recommend.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A workplace meeting will hold up family or social plans. You will want to hurry talks along but do this as subtly as you can. For your impatience will become obvious to someone who will deliberately delay things further. Any frustration will be quickly forgotten when evening plans turn out to be immensely entertaining.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Plans for a new project have reached a new stage. It is time to act on all your wonderful ideas. You will be bubbling over with enthusiasm as you have already put a lot of thought into this venture and you know exactly where to start. The when is now.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A colleague or neighbour always seems to choose you as the one to turn to for help, advice and practical assistance. They seem to never consider the fact that you may have things of your own to do. Rather than show your annoyance, a few quiet words will prove more effective.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Something on your mind would fare a lot better out in the open than being kept bottled up inside. Someone close needs to get something off their chest too. If you are honest and frank with them they will find it easier to open up to you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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In order to achieve a professional goal, you need to take on an intimidating challenge. Remembering missed opportunities will hold you back. Telling yourself you can't do this will undermine your productivity. If you are really serious about this intention you will find a way to succeed.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A friend will mention a problem they are having in the family. This will make you acknowledge all you have been through recently and how relevant their words are to your situation. It doesn't matter how hard you try to put this out of your mind it keeps coming back because you need to start dealing with the problem.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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