
It's time to assume leadership of an adrift group. You have no intention of wasting all the progress you've made. If that means working hard with little reward, so be it. At least you will have salvaged everything you've done. After you steer the team to victory, you'll be awarded an impressive promotion. Instead of remaining with your current company, you may decide to take a position at a more stable employer. It's even possible you will start your own business.

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You long for stimulation but aren't sure how to get it. Put yourself in the hands of an adventurous person. Your best friend or romantic partner will be happy to introduce you to new ideas, places and activities. Make it your mission to be as receptive as possible. Put complaints and concerns on the back burner. The more open you are to these suggestions, the happier you will be. Although you love comfortable routines, you need to experiment on a regular basis. Change fuels your creativity.

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Put your analytic powers to work. Instead of accepting a faulty process, break it down to its basic principles. You'll quickly notice an easy way to perform more smoothly. Being able to dispatch tasks quickly and efficiently will allow you to concentrate on bigger ideas. Expanding your client base or improving customer relations will be a welcome challenge. Having long talks with the people on the front line will be illuminating. The lowest level of staff is often the most informed. Take their advice seriously.

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You don't always need words to let loved ones know what you're thinking or feeling. Instead of telling your partner how much you adore them, you seek to help them in caring ways. Relieving them of chores, preparing their favourite foods and creating a comfortable environment are all ways you demonstrate love. While your efforts are deeply appreciated, they sometimes fall short of your goal of cultivating closeness. Force yourself to express your love and affection in words, whether it's through a face to face talk, handwritten letter or sweet text message. Language has power.

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Create a comfortable home life that invests you to rest, relax and dream. You're a highly social creature who needs to recharge your batteries in a tranquil haven. Give careful thought to the furniture and artwork you choose. Surfaces, colours and forms have a big impact on your moods. Linger over these choices as you would if you were shopping for luxury items. Find what fills you with delight. If you're not sure where to begin, make a list of places you love. What do they have in common?

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There's more to you than your job title. If you're contemplating a job change, do it with an open and cheerful heart. Adopting an optimistic view will attract a position that makes you happy and productive. It doesn't need to be prestigious; your work should simply uplift you. That way, when you return home, you'll have enough energy for your favourite people and activities. Work opportunities involving restoration, antiques or the natural world will yield fruit for you.

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You want to get closer to someone but aren't sure how. The best way to cultivate intimacy is to be persistent and consistent. When your friend or romantic partner understands that you are here to say, they'll let down their defences. It also helps to study what your other half truly values. Being able to address their unspoken needs and concerns will pave the way for a strong bond. Is your other half sentimental or practical? Do they value relationships more than mementoes? Find out.

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Undergoing a personal transformation will be rewarding. You're a highly private individual who doesn't like sharing your feelings. Becoming more open will make you stronger, not weaker. Share your perceptions with others. This will help people come together and build things of lasting beauty. If you are alienated by certain social trends, change the conversation. Plant a garden, paint a mural, record a podcast or launch a blog. Your popularity will soar. Suddenly, you'll feel empowered instead of helpless.

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Retreating from public life will be a relief. You're a highly social person who sometimes overcommits to parties, get togethers and professional gatherings. Clear your schedule for a few days. Devote this time to solitary pursuits like writing, communing with nature and praying. Slowly but surely, the overstimulation you've been experiencing will be replaced by contentment. Instead of consulting your smartphone every few seconds, you'll be able to take pleasure in simple things like a good meal, a beautiful scene or the sound of rain on the roof.

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Going with the flow will make you a popular figure. Normally, you prefer an orderly environment. Being able to lean into a more spontaneous atmosphere will win the admiration of others. People who once saw you as uptight will change their opinion. They'll finally be treated to your dry wit and profound appreciation of pleasure. These facets of your personality are highly magnetic. Don't be surprised when you develop a loyal following. Where you lead, others will follow, especially if it's somewhere fun.

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It's time to speak as you find to those in power. A boss, line manager or supervisor who has been taking advantage of their position should be confronted. Once you draw attention to their bad behaviour, they'll be on the defensive. At first, this tyrant may pretend they don't care about your opinion. As more and more people start protesting their arrogance, it will be necessary for them to change or abandon their position. Either way, the group wins. Negative publicity is a strong motivator.

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Instead of getting bogged down by petty details, take a few steps back from your duties. You'll see a golden opportunity beckoning. Getting an advanced degree, travelling abroad or publishing some written work are among the possibilities. All the minor chores that once consumed you will become relatively unimportant. The prospect of exchanging an uneventful life for a stimulating one is exhilarating. You have been blessed with extraordinary gifts. Let these abilities be the springboard to an unusual life.

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