
An opportunity to expand your horizons is worth pursuing. Learning a foreign language, playing a musical instrument or taking a cooking course will be lots of fun. Predictable routines dull your creative edge. It's time to venture into unknown territory. A legal matter will be decided in a way that makes you breathe a sigh of relief. It's comforting to know the people you care about will be protected. Go out and celebrate with people who share your concerns.

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Your sensual side demands satisfaction. This is a great time to get a massage, soak in a scented bath or enjoy a gourmet meal. If you're in a relationship, tempt your amour into spending the entire day in bed together. After reading an article about a rapidly growing industry, you might decide to make a career change. Learn everything you can about what is required to do well in this field. You'll probably be a perfect fit for it.

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Procrastination can be lots of fun. Instead of filling your schedule with a lot of tasks, enjoy a day of leisure with your amour. Sleep late, prepare a delicious breakfast and linger over every delicious bite. Enjoy an afternoon movie or walk through the park. Learning and teaching are some of your favourite activities. If you're not involved in any scholastic activities, it's time to remedy the problem. Enrol in a course or offer lessons. You're never happier than when you're exercising your brain.

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Taking more exercise is strongly advised. Sitting is the new bad habit; it isn't healthy to be rooted behind a desk for hours at a time. The simple act of flexing your muscles at regular intervals can stave off illness. Focus on becoming more flexible first. This is a good time to improve your financial situation. Go through your bills and calculate how much you owe. Devise a reasonable repayment plan. Taking control of the situation will be empowering. Instead of lying awake at night, you'll sleep like a baby.

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Your energy and enthusiasm attract lots of romantic attention. If you're single, you will get several dinner invitations. You'll especially enjoy going out with someone who is smart, humorous and cultured. Are you attached? Book an overseas trip that will appeal to your amour. Expressing your artistic side will be fulfilling. You're tired of devoting all your energy to responsibilities. Take time out of your busy schedule to write, paint or play music. You'll feel years younger as a result.

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Are you tired of spending all your time at the office? Take this opportunity to scale back your work schedule. Spending more time at home is strongly advised. Preparing nourishing meals, having stimulating conversations around the kitchen table and laughing with family bring joy. Studying an instruction manual will be helpful. Learning how to repair appliances and machinery is a lot less complicated than you think. You'll enjoy the challenge of restoring gadgets to good working order. Online tutorials can also be helpful.

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You're not afraid of a healthy argument. Discussing your feelings in an open way keeps resentment from building. Cultural differences could be the source of a disagreement. Once you discover why someone behaves a certain way, the tension will lift. This is a wonderful time to take a calculated risk. While you're doing very well with the current formula, it's important to experiment with different approaches. Applying for an exciting job or trying a new sensual technique will pay off handsomely.

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Establishing a healthy routine will improve your financial situation. The simple act of making a grocery list will keep you from making expensive impulse purchases. Taking daily exercise can be helpful, too. It will keep infectious illnesses at bay and keep your spirits high. Thinking about your childhood will inspire the idea for a creative project. You'll have lots of fun recreating a recipe, assembling a photo album or making a quilt. Don't hesitate to put your personal stamp on this work.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're determined to launch a bold project. A community organisation will give you the financial and practical support you need. Most of your neighbours are eager to implement the improvements you've suggested. They're tired of struggling with outdated infrastructure and broken equipment. Taking a short trip for pleasure will lift your spirits. You've always been restless. Exploring unfamiliar territory helps you rest, relax and enjoy life. Visit a nearby city that is famous for its distinctive style and progressive thinking. You'll have a great time.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your productivity soars when left to your own devices. Someone with your organisational skills doesn't need a micromanager. While you're busy doing some routine tasks, you'll hit upon a more efficient formula. Trust your instincts; they will serve you well. Taking a money management course is strongly advised. Instead of listening to conventional wisdom, you'll devise a savings plan that works well for your situation. You have the potential for cultivating great wealth. The secret to your success is making informed decisions.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Working with a team of fellow adventurers will be lots of fun. In the past, you've disliked collaborative efforts. Being forced to find a middle ground makes you angry and impatient. This situation will be different. Everyone will embrace your bold suggestions. You're outgoing and energetic. Attending a community fundraiser will be lots of fun. Not only will you see lots of old friends, but you'll make some new ones. Knowing the people in your neighbourhood makes you feel safe, secure and content.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Do you long for professional advancement? A prestigious job in your desired field will become available. Apply for it as soon as possible. You have all the knowledge and experience necessary to land this position. Emphasise your flexibility during the interview process. Trust your intuition when making an important decision. Although it will seem more practical to take the traditional route, you'll be better served by trying something new. Be open to accepting a job in a new industry. You'll enjoy the intellectual stimulation this position brings.

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