
A headstrong attitude will put undue stress on family relationships. It's important to compromise, even when it is inconvenient. When your relatives see you are willing to put your needs aside for the sake of the group, they'll support you in other areas. Are you fighting with your kin? Wind down with relaxing activities. It isn't healthy to give all your energy to stressful situations. Get enough sleep, walk away from angry arguments and devise strategies for staying calm.

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Don't get drawn into a secret intrigue. You should not cover for someone who wants you to participate in a lie. You shouldn't jeopardise your reputation for the sake of a friendship. You hate moralising, but it makes you angry when people expect you to ignore their bad behaviour. Be honest about your feelings. Your truthful assessment of a situation could put an end to a relationship, which is unfortunate. There's no other choice. Pretending will only corrupt your bond, anyway.

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Friends who are engaging in reckless behaviour may be a bad influence. Be more assertive. If you don't want to participate in a foolhardy activity, say so. Are you tired of partying all night? Opt to stay home. There's no reason you should accompany the group on such outings. People who truly care about you will respect your choices. It is a good idea to form relationships with people who share your sensibilities. Then you won't always feel like the odd man (or woman) out.

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An autocratic attitude will make you highly unpopular. While it's important to enforce the rules, that doesn't mean you have to project an intimidating image. Creating an atmosphere of fear will undermine productivity. People will be more likely to follow your lead if you adopt a friendly approach. Anyone who continually breaks the rules can be punished. After making an example of one or two troublemakers, the drama will die down and everybody will settle down and get back to work.

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Arguing about religion and politics is a waste of time. You won't convert anyone. It's possible you will make a few enemies by airing these beliefs in a public forum. Stick to innocuous subjects when you're dealing with casual acquaintances. It is possible to work with people who have different ideas about life, love and happiness. With a 'live and let live' attitude, your own existence may become richer and deeper. Instead of trying to change other people's ideas, broaden your own horizons.

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Conflicts over money are putting strain on a close relationship. Meeting with a financial guru will take the pressure off these discussions. A neutral third party can help you and your partner devise a strategy for moving forward. There's nothing inherently noble about spending or saving. Agreeing how to use resources should be the goal. You're someone who needs money in the bank to feel secure. Find a way to build a nest egg that can only be accessed by you.

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A legal issue makes you uncertain about the future. Instead of getting swept away by this drama, adopt a more logical approach. Take matters one step at a time. Don't respond to someone who tries getting under your skin. The sooner this pest realises their behaviour has no impact on you, the faster they will back off. Let your differences be resolved in court. If you submit the proper paperwork and supporting evidence, there should be no problem. A satisfactory decision will be rendered.

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Don't turn up your nose at safety equipment. Goggles, helmets and gloves may slow your progress, but they'll also protect your body. Jeopardising your health for the sake of saving a few seconds is foolish. Wear protective gear and follow the rules. Turn a deaf ear to people who claim you are being paranoid. It's your job to protect yourself. If others are going to engage in risky behaviour, that's their problem. Has your work environment become thoroughly toxic? Seek a position elsewhere.

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Reckless behaviour with a romantic partner will come back to haunt you. Don't put too much trust in someone you barely know. Keep financial documents under lock and key and don't underwrite any loans. You should have a serious commitment before buying anything expensive for a person. Anyone pressuring you to loan money or buy expensive gifts is an opportunist. Be honest about the situation and move on. The last thing you need is someone trying to take advantage of your trusting nature.

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Take safety precautions at home. Having an insurance policy can give you tremendous peace of mind. So can buying a fire extinguisher and smoke detector. It's never possible to be thoroughly protected from harm, but a few commonsense measures can pay off. A belligerent relative will pour scorn your efforts. They are just jealous of your capable, assured approach. They're trying to make themselves feel better by making fun of your sensible attitude, but you'll have the last laugh.

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Mechanical breakdowns are extremely frustrating. When you feel your temper rise, take some deep breaths. Count to ten. Turn your attention to pleasant thoughts. It's so easy to fall victim to stress. Having a few calming techniques in place will help you ride out these storms. Your calm reaction to upsetting news will boost your reputation. People respect your ability to roll with the punches. Don't be surprised when you're asked to lead an influential group.

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Keep precious possessions safe. Don't leave valuables in a parked car; instead, stow them in the boot. Lock your doors. Create passwords that are hard to crack. Simple measures like these will save you a world of trouble. The last thing you want is to waste time filing police reports. If you do become the victim of theft, stay calm. Ask the authorities what you can do to protect yourself from future crimes. Smart decisions are your best defence.

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