
Accept a surprise invitation to an unusual event or gathering. Someone you meet there will have a big impact on your future. Something you hear during your lunch break will be to your advantage. Someone will have achieved something you've been aspiring to do and this will prove that with the right support and with resilience, you can achieve anything.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Someone will be making a deeply personal and emotional testimony. It will turn out that this is typical of an endemic problem but there are grounds for optimism when lively debate will open the way to improvements. Allow thoughts to run free in creative work and conversations. You might be surprised by what rises to the surface from your subconscious.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Something strange is taking place in your workplace or community. A lot of money will be spent on improving a situation that has been a major problem for people, properties and businesses. The aim is to allow people to live their lives the way they want to. You will be asked to play an important role.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Praise coming your way today will give your confidence a boost. You are reminded of something you learned in your childhood. This skill will come in useful now. You are trying to establish links with a group of professionals whose backing could make a big difference in a group or community project.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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A group or organisation must address its uncomfortable past. You might want to take a committee, turn it upside down and give it a shake. A lot of good has happened but there have been difficult issues too that have not been dealt with. More people are coming forward with their experiences and knowing they are being listened to will be a positive thing.

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An issue that crops up in the workplace is serious and you will insist the powers that be don't play this down. People want answers and they want their concerns to be taken seriously. A rival has too much influence on a senior colleague or official and the risks this could cause will be revealed.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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New guidelines are being put in place in the workplace. This is good news in that a lot of the gloom of the last few years is about to lift. You could find yourself in a position where others will look to you for explanations. It will take a while for some to adapt.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A contentious situation is being considered by those in authority. They will have a number of questions that need to be answered. You could have done with being given more time to prepare but be sure to take advantage of this chance to put your side forward. Agreements made at a business meeting will have long-term consequences.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You've done all you can to support a friend or relative but no improvements will happen if they don't try to help themselves. What more can you do? It is time now to take a step back and encourage others to stand on their own two feet. You've played your part, it is up to them now how to continue.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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There's a big contrast between your life now and how things were at the start of the year. You feel improvements have been made. Others will disagree when they still have grievances. Don't be drawn into covering old ground again just to keep a bunch of miserable colleagues happy.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Some skills are too difficult to learn on your own. If there are aspects of a job or assignment you are struggling with, it might be worth spending some cash on an online course or some expert guidance. There are different ways to approach a job or assignment you've taken on. Experiment until you find the one that suits you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A legal matter will go ahead and you stand a good chance of winning. You have evidence and facts to prove that someone has given the wrong account of a past controversial event. The determination of a legal or professional team will help you expose the truth. At last there is a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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