
You don't like it when things come easily to you. A challenge makes you feel excited and alive. Someone is being secretive and you find this intriguing. Travel with a friend will strengthen the connection between you. It doesn't matter how far you go, pleasure will come through a change of scenery.

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Security can be found from within. You have been looking for emotional security in another person. This is causing you to make choices that aren't honouring your truth. It's hard to stabilise yourself when you are picking up other people's emotions and this is knocking you off balance. A little pampering will make you feel good and can bring you back into your balance again.

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Think twice, or thrice even, before making a big commitment. Ask yourself whether you really want to land yourself in a situation that could make you feel like your hands are tied. If you make the wrong choice you won't get much sympathy from a close friend whose advice you ignored.

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Keep control over your emotions. Think before you speak. Be careful about whom you confide in. Someone will try to trip you up mentally or catch you off your guard. Whatever their motives, it will be sensible to bide your time. If you sense what they are up to, you will get the chance to turn the tables on them.

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You don't have to shoulder all burdens by yourself. Take time out of your routine to be kind to yourself. You have earned a break. A shopping trip will be fun if you make it more of an outing with a housemate. Allow a partner to pamper you through this difficult time. Some tender loving care is just what the doctor ordered.

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A gentle approach is recommended in all relationships. Some people will appear hyper-sensitive. What you may not realise is that your words may sound critical without you meaning to appear this way. Courtesy is a critical component within the workplace. Listening to the advice of an expert will serve you well.

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Get to know a new partner better before unleashing your gregarious side. Take responsibility for your actions. If you regret a recent break up, a reconciliation is not an impossibility. It may be up to you to hold out an olive branch but if this is important enough, you won't mind taking the initiative.

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A home improvement project will give you a chance to be creative. Whether you're painting a drab room, landscaping the garden or designing a piece of furniture, you will enjoy using your imagination at every turn. In your effort to improve your surroundings, there will be benefits for others too.

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A joint commitment is taking up too much of your time. You entered this agreement willingly and you have learned a lot about yourself from the experiences it has brought you. Yet you are ready to move on. If you continued any longer you would start feeling trapped and you would begrudge the arrangement. Leave now while the going is good.

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Part of the attraction you feel for someone is that they are charming, honest and respectful. It means a lot to you to know they listen to your views and are interested in what you have to say. Continue to build this relationship. Are you single? You need more from romance than a lover who keeps you happy in the bedroom.

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You haven't wanted to let anyone down and that's why you have fulfilled obligations you took on recently. It hasn't been easy but you've done it. You should be proud of yourself. You now need to take a break. Don't feel guilty if you are ready to withdraw to the background.

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It may only be modestly helpful to your aspirations but a neighbour's tips and suggestions will be worth listening to. You might be surprised by how much interest someone is taking in you. Use your persuasiveness to get what you want, in the nicest possible way of course.

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