
Are you unemployed? Worrying about work will drive opportunity from your door. Take this opportunity to catch up on chores that escaped your attention while you had a job. You'll come across a lucrative position when running an errand. Apply for it. Playing cat and mouse with a potential partner is a bad idea. You don't want to create unrealistic expectations. If you're truly interested in pursuing a relationship, be honest about your future intentions. Are you happy being single? Then cut back on the flirting.

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Adopt a humble approach with an expert. Although you are highly respected among your peers, you lack the experience and knowledge of this teacher. Put your pride aside for the sake of learning. Mastering a traditional technique will add to your versatility. You're possessive about a romantic partner. Rather than keeping tightly to their side, give your amour some breathing room. Encourage their interest in a new hobby. Don't feel threatened if they want to make friends with new people or isolate alone.

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Stop putting other people's needs before your own. Being kind to yourself will cause resentment to vanish into thin air. Instead of being impatient when someone asks for favours, it will be easy to accommodate them. It's easy to give when you are fulfilled. A desire for intellectual stimulation isn't shared by the crowd. They prefer mindless forms of entertainment, while you are seeking a challenge. Join a message board dedicated to your favourite artist. You'll get some great recommendations for books, movies and music there.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You're so intent on finding some information that you could cause offense. Be polite with everyone you encounter while conducting your search. Someone will go above and beyond the call of duty if you are kind. Resist the temptation to hide away from the world. While it's true you've suffered a betrayal, that's no reason to believe that everyone has bad motives. Push yourself to join group conversations. You'll benefit from the interaction.

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Are you afraid to take a chance? Maintaining the status quo is a losing proposition. A good job is no longer paying off. You'd be better served to pursue a more creative line of work when you can. Starting your own business is strongly advised. Steering a friendship into romantic waters is a mistake. Although you have lots in common with an intelligent person you've known for years, you're not suited to an intimate partnership.

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You've always found selfish behaviour to be distasteful. Now you have an opportunity to realise your heart's desire. If you pursue this goal, you must go against the interests of your nearest and dearest. Stop postponing your dreams to accommodate others. Don't be upset if a loved one is busy with another circle of friends. You've always had a knack for connecting with multi-talented people. It's only natural your loved ones will have several different social circles. Take this opportunity to make new friends of your own.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Taking money out of your own pocket to buy work equipment makes you angry. Go ahead and buy some cutting-edge equipment. It will allow you to do twice the work in half the time. Suddenly, you'll have more time to make art. Restlessness is driving you to distraction. Although you long to travel, this isn't a convenient time to do so. Content yourself with reading books and watching movies set in exotic locales. These stories will tide you over until you're able to take an extended break.

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Unpredictable behaviour make others nervous. If you're not invited to join a group, it's because people are afraid of you. While it's fun to strike terror in the hearts of worrywarts, you shouldn't burn all your bridges. Be polite and friendly towards people you admire. Bitter disappointment is undermining your enjoyment of life. Stop dwelling on a betrayal or setback. Make lists of things positive aspects of life. When you concentrate on the positive, negative elements become less and less important.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Stop beating yourself up for failing to reach a goal. You're a work in progress. You deserve praise for having come this far. After spending some time licking your wounds, you'll be ready to make another attempt. Slow and steady wins the race. This is not the time to be jumping into a relationship. It's best to talk more to each other before considering becoming romantic partners. You fare best with someone who is adventurous, curious and relaxed. Keep away from intense 'Do or Die' types.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A cavalier attitude will irritate your employer. If they think you don't take your job seriously, they will impose all sorts of limiting rules on you. It's better to assume an air of diligence, even when you're executing simple tasks. Looking for a more challenging position will restore your zest for life. It will take time to land your dream position, especially at a time like this, so be patient. Getting paid to write or study is a distinct possibility. Meanwhile, be respectful towards your current employer.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your business or romantic partner is draining your joint account. This makes you very uncomfortable. It's easy for you to take risks when you have money in the bank. Now you're living from one payday to the next, you're more cautious. Trying to buy someone's affection is a mistake. If you want to cultivate a truly caring relationship, you should leave money out of the equation. The best way to win a child's affection is to embrace this quality time together, preferably on activities they enjoy.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're not sure which path to take. Spend a few moments connecting with your spiritual side. Your higher power will show you the best course of action. Ignoring conventional wisdom is strongly advised. You're destined to accomplish something extraordinary, swim against the tide. Worrying about loved ones doesn't do any good. It's better to have faith in their judgment and assume everything will work to their advantage. Relatives will appreciate your belief in their abilities. Don't be surprised when they start sharing their hopes and dreams with you.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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