
If you put your money where your mouth is, you just might hit the jackpot. You're brimming with brilliant ideas, several of which could earn you a fortune. Fortunately, people in power are very receptive to these concepts, and may be willing to lend you the capital to launch a business. You've got what it takes to be an entrepreneur, but remember that this will be a long-term commitment. Don't plan to see results overnight.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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The time has come to negotiate a deal in your favour, so look sharp. In the past, you've been willing to compromise for the sake of harmony, but now you have the power and prestige to get whatever you want. Don't be intimidated by an employer that drives a hard bargain. All of your demands will be met, provided you stick to your guns. This is one instance in which your stubbornness is an asset.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You've always been adept at games of skill, but your talents have never been this sharp. Feel free to match wits with somebody who thinks that you're all talk and no action. You'll stun this person with your mastery of facts, figures and trivia. Entering a contest could result in big rewards for you. If there's anything you enjoy, it's showing off your intelligence. Don't be surprised if you amass a loyal fan club.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Your intuition is especially strong today, so be sure to listen to it at every opportunity. A person who says one thing probably means another. You can figure out their true motives by observing their body language. Entering into a secret alliance with a colleague may be a good idea. You need somebody who can provide you with information that is officially barred from you. Keep this ace hidden from view.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Advancing your agenda is as simple as gathering a group of supporters together. In the past, you've helped lots of people achieve their goals. Now they can return these favours. Never fear; your pals will be eager to lend a hand. Starting a petition or letter-writing campaign will have fantastic results. It's hard to argue with somebody who is so popular. Don't be surprised if you're named as the leader of a large organisation.

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There's lots of decisions to be made with regard to your career. Instead of giving authority figures free rein over your future, speak in your own defence. Write up a proposal that details the kind of work, hours and position you want to hold within the organisation. Nobody can argue with a logical mind like yours. If you're looking for a job, this is an excellent time to revamp your CV and fill out applications.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Establishing a relationship with a religious, educational or legal organisation is a smart idea. You're the type of person who needs lots of intellectual stimulation to thrive. Don't be surprised if your involvement with such a group prompts you to get an advanced degree of some sort. You may even decide to study abroad. Nobody would benefit from a change of scenery more than you. You were born for a life of romance and adventure.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You've always been incredibly resourceful, and that's especially true today. Finding a way to pay off debts and finance long-term purchases should be no trouble at all. If you need a grant or loan, schedule an interview with an advisor at your bank. Alternatively, you may decide to enter into an intimate relationship that requires you to relinquish some of your independence. Don't be afraid to share your burdens with somebody else.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You'll learn a lot more by listening to others than by doing things in the usual fashion. If you lack certain skills, pay close attention to a person who possesses them in droves. At first, you'll despair of ever acquiring these abilities. After a while you'll start to learn the secret of your role model's success. You're an extremely fast learner, especially when you open your mind to what others have to teach.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Everybody seems to want your advice or help, so prepare to stay busy. Although you can multi-task quite well, you should guard against doing too much at once. Otherwise, the quality of your work could slip. By the end of the day, it may be difficult to relax; you'll still feel the buzz of all that activity. Do yourself a favour and get some brisk exercise in order to wind down.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're in an extremely flirtatious mood, and should have no trouble finding admirers to spar with. A gifted storyteller could catch your eye. Feel free to approach, but don't expect to get immediate results. This person is a master cat-and-mouse player. Actually, this comes as quite a turn-on for you. You always enjoy a bit of a challenge, especially when it comes to romance. You'll eventually win this prize catch through playful banter.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Fond memories come flooding back after listening to the music of your youth. If you've ever wanted to write songs of your own or pen a novel, now is the time to begin. Go through old photos, letters, and mementoes for further inspiration. In the past, you've been afraid to revisit certain recollections, but that won't be a problem now. Enough time has passed so you can let go of the pain for good.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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