
Act in haste and repent at leisure that's the outcome if you are OTT at home or in your career. Your first instinct is to pour your energy into your job so you can maintain a happy home life. If you really think about it, though, you'll come to realise your loved ones need your presence more than they need your financial support. Try cutting back your hours so you can see just how close you really are.

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Travelling means taking risks today beware of speed traps, road rage and other fiery actions. Don't fool yourself into thinking that a lack of money is the reason for unhappiness. The fact is, you've been suppressing your artistic gifts. Anybody ruled by Venus needs a arty outlet. Whether it's gardening, decorating, or cooking is immaterial. Just do what you love, and the joy will follow.

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Throw good money after bad and you'll end up as poor as a church mouse, stick to window shopping. As far as your family is concerned, you have every reason in the world to be happy. Unfortunately, they can't see the turmoil that's been going on inside you. It's not their fault, actually. What can you expect when you keep your passions a secret? Maybe its time to spill the beans in your own ingenious way.

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It's not like you to go crazy and be super spontaneous so when you do beware of the consequences. Beneath that gentle exterior rages a great deal of aggression, and a loved one may be the target of it. Little things have a way of setting you off. It's time you grew up and dealt with your feelings in an adult manner. Whilst it's true you were powerless over certain situations as a child, things are very different now.

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It takes one tiny thing to make you blast but don't do anything daft as it'll hurt you more than them. Maintaining a relationship on the basis of financial convenience is a huge mistake. Although it may cost you some business contacts, you need to break off this union now. You'd love folks to believe that you have a 'live-and-let-live' attitude, but the truth is that personal principles are very important to you.

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If a friend puts you in a compromising position then ask yourself just how true a mate they are. Your profession prevents you from expressing your true personality, and that's a crying shame. If only people could see how warm and caring you really are, you'd enjoy more supportive relationships. As it is, though, you have to have a stiff upper lip in the face of some very emotional scenes. Confess your anguish to a loved one.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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When a man pushes you too far just show your teeth and refuse to be bullied. Although you hate to admit it, someone who grates on your nerves has changed the way you see the world. Suddenly, you're not interested in sugar-coating harsh situations. You want to deal with things as they really are - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Your attitude may not go over well with someone who liked you the way you were.

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Rush into anything wear angels fear to tread and you could be dancing with the devil. Joint funds are a source of contention now that you and a partner have changed directions. Either divide your assets cleanly down the middle or reach a reasonable compromise. This is hard for you to do, because your ego is so caught up in this arrangement. Save yourself some grief and let go.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You'll have to take a tough legal stance if you want to get what is rightfully yours. Sexual needs take a back seat to spiritual matters which could cause tension in bed. Take care your new interests aren't interpreted as a personal rejection. You have a tendency to neglect your body at the expense of your mind. No wonder you get so tense. Lighten up a wee bit.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Wow, who put high octane in your tank - you're sex on legs but be warned of the fall out. The daily grind is limiting your scope and vision, you could really use a break to think things through. If you've lost sight of your reason for living, stop what you're doing. Take a look around. The world you desire are within reach, but only if you spend time cultivating it.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Impulsive stars can make you accident prone so watch your step and I mean quite literally. Lashing out at people in command isn't the solution to a creative dilemmas. What you need to do is carve out more time for intellectual pursuits. If that means cutting back on your personal duties, so be it. Even the wealthiest innovators have to make time for their efforts. You're no exception.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Falling in love with love is falling for make believe remember that after a one night stand. Pushing domestic troubles under the carpet is complicating an otherwise healthy relationship. It's time to confront the source of your trouble but do it gently. If someone doesn't respond to your request, maybe it's time for an enforced separation? At least that will give you a chance to sort out your feelings.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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