
It's time to discover who you are apart from work. Many people define themselves by their job. This is problematic, as careers come and go. Spending less time at the office will force you to look inward for a sense of identity. What do you value, who do you love and how do you enjoy spending your time? The answers to these questions will surprise you. They will also help you craft a whole new set of priorities. Prepare for a profound transformation.

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Truth is relative. The sooner you accept this, the happier you will be. Just because someone has a different set of beliefs doesn't mean they are deluded. Resist the urge to convert others. If someone tries to foist their philosophies onto you, make your resistance clear. By adopting an attitude of live and let live,' you'll be able to work with a diverse group. When it comes right down to it, everyone just wants to be treated with respect, regardless of their views.

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At some point, you need to accept you are only human. Striving for perfection is fruitless. Even the celebrities who appear on magazine covers have their photos airbrushed. So go ahead and embrace your cosmetic flaws; they make you unique. Wanting to get in shape or break bad habits is admirable, but such desires shouldn't make you miserable. If you're suffering from a serious addiction, get medical help. Even then, it pays to be compassionate towards yourself. We all have weaknesses. Some are obvious, while others are hidden.

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Minimising your dependence on others is critical. Similarly, it's important to foster self reliance in your loved ones. If your partner or child expects you to do certain jobs, show them how to get on with them themselves. You'll hear a lot of grumbling and groaning, but stand firm. The sooner they learn to perform these duties themselves, the better your relationship will be. That's because you won't feel like you're at their beck and call and they won't seem helpless without you.

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You'll have to be a little more forgiving of the people around you. Lately, several of your colleagues have been faced with personal disaster. As a result, their work has fallen on your shoulders. This has made you resentful. Instead of taking out your anger on the victims, ask your boss for help. After all, you've only got one pair of hands. Besides, you are only making one salary. Getting assistance is better than suffering in silence. It will also make you more compassionate, too.

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Nothing is more frustrating than a creative block. No matter how much you try to cultivate an idea, it just won't come. Instead of pushing your imagination to the limit, turn your attention to mundane chores. A brilliant insight will occur while you're scrubbing the tub or peeling some potatoes. Are you dealing with a possessive lover? Now is the time to draw some personal boundaries. Don't let anyone dictate where you can go or whom you can see.

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Don't be angry with someone who had to make a decision or choice that went against you. They actually had no other option but to obey a strict policy. You may think you are a special exception, but that's not the case. By accepting defeat gracefully, you will have established yourself as a valuable team player. Let's face it: Nobody wants to deal with an entitled blowhard. Model your behaviour after someone whom everyone likes and respects. Pretty soon, even your rivals will become friends.

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Resist the urge to overanalyse everything. This tendency will just give you a headache. You can never really understand a person's motives; that's what makes human beings so intriguing. Instead of trying to predict how someone else will behave, focus on your own reactions. Do you tend to rely on vices to get you through tricky times? Is there any way you can substitute self destructive acts with more progressive measures? Choose a productive way to deal with stress and tension.

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Don't be stubborn about giving people what they want. It may inconvenience you to help someone else, but so what? It's not as if you have more pressing business. Of course, you don't want a needy person to become overly reliant on you. You should actively and practically demonstrate how to fix a paper jam or transfer a call. Write out a set of instructions so they can refer to it later. That way, you won't have to repeat the process whenever trouble strikes.

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You often have a tendency to be terribly self centred. While it's true you have a lot on your plate, other people are experiencing their own difficulties. Be sure to ask how your best friend or romantic partner is faring. You may be surprised to learn about their recent setbacks. Once you understand how sad they feel, you can join forces to heal one another. Do you feel isolated? Reach out to a person who has seemed cold in the past. Their reserve will melt if you make the first move.

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You need to trust your intuition, even if you usually rely on logic as your guide. Using one sense at the exclusion of another is limiting. The next time you are faced with a dilemma, resist the urge to make a list of pros and cons and follow your instincts instead. You'll be amazed by the results. A colleague who has been behaving erratically has buried a great deal of resentment they have for you. Invite them out for a cup of coffee and a heart to heart chat.

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It's tiring to be defined by the company you keep. If you want to forge a brand new identity, strike out on your own. Submit your creative work for review under a pen name. Apply for jobs where nobody knows you. Hang out in neighbouring bars and restaurants. Pretty soon, you'll be able to escape the pitfalls of your social circle and be recognised for your own merits. If you've recently embarked on a romance, it will take time to be accepted by your amour's friends.

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