
Arguments over joint finances won't be solved while everyone is so angry. Wait until tempers subside before broaching the subject again. People have different values when it comes to money. The only way to manage group resources well is to forge a middle ground. If that can't be done, it may be time for people to take their portions of the pie and put them in separate bank accounts. Some alliances are just doomed to fail. This could be one of them.

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Beware of being too critical of a partner. Although you want the best for your friend, you don't want to crush their ego. Know the difference between constructive criticism and shaming. When you become concerned about their behaviour, say so. Give specific examples of destructive behaviour they have exhibited and ask questions. Be compassionate. Try to see the situation from their point of view. Offer help, but don't be patronising about it. If you're turned down, don't take it personally.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Low vitality is a symptom of boredom. It's important for an intelligent person like you to get a lot of mental stimulation. Taking a challenging class can be helpful. Alternatively, you might decide to write an article or blog. It doesn't matter how you engage your intellect; just find a project that intrigues you. If you've had difficulty finding work get some advanced training in a growing field that seems interesting. Being qualified to perform certain kinds of work will be helpful.

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Generational differences make it hard to relate to younger people. Instead of casting aspersions on an entire group, try seeing life from their point of view. They may not have had the same opportunities or challenges. There are pros and cons to each era. Finding ways to help each other will diminish resentment. It can also forge the way for supportive relationships and valuable learning experiences. If you've had difficulty finding romance, it could be because you're reluctant to settle down.

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Finding more time for family will be difficult. A demanding partnership is eating up all of your energy. Establishing healthier boundaries is critical to your happiness. Don't let one person dominate your life. It's important to have an extensive support network. That way, you aren't dependent on a single individual. If your best friend or romantic partner is threatened by your family ties, create some guidelines for moving forward. Dedicate certain times and seasons to the different people in your life.

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Problems with neighbours and relatives will occur. You want peace and quiet, while they need to be active at various times of the day. The only way you can resolve this conflict is by creating some strict guidelines. Of course, this can't happen if one or both parties insist on doing what they want, whenever they feel the urge. If you reach such an impasse, think about removing yourself from their sphere of influence. There's no reason to subject yourself to this sort of torment.

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You are working hard but don't have much to show for it. Finding a different job could relieve the pressure that has been building. Explore opportunities that appeal to your sense of fun. Working in the fashion, entertainment or hospitality industries are all good avenues for you to explore. It's important to enjoy what you do, since you spend so much time at work. Don't be afraid to take a pay cut at first. Someone with your abilities will quickly rise through the ranks.

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You have to cooperate if you're going to be successful. This is difficult when you're dealing with people who are out of their depth. Quite often, they depend on you to do all the heavy lifting. This makes you quite resentful. Instead of dwelling on the unfairness of the situation, try looking at it in a more positive light. Start conducting yourself as a mentor. Make it your mission to impart valuable skills. This will result in far more productive relationships, both at work and at home.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You feel lonely and with good reason. There aren't many people who share your interests. If you're going to connect with others, it may be necessary to join an online organisation. Alternatively, you should get involved with a club that meets after working hours. Being able to connect with people who understand your dreams and concerns will be empowering. It will also make you feel less self conscious. Contrary to what you may think, there are many individuals who can relate to you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It feels like a friend has been taking advantage of you. The only way to put an end to this cycle is to turn down future requests for help. There's no reason you should feel you have to give food, money or access to an exclusive organisation. If anyone dares complain about your decision, you'll know you're dealing with an opportunist. Cut ties quickly and move on to greener pastures. You've worked hard to get where you are. Don't let anyone bleed you dry.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Lack of security in your career makes you nervous. It may be time to switch fields. If that's not an option, think of ways to place less emphasis on work. A job title shouldn't define who you are. Focus more on your relationships and leisure activities. The more rich and varied your existence, the easier it will be to withstand and trials and tribulations. If you get passed over for a promotion, remain philosophical. This may not have been the right opportunity for you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Another person's belief systems are offensive. Beyond expressing your disapproval of these ideas, there's not much more you can do. It's impossible to convert people when you radiate disapproval. Instead of concerning yourself with their activities, focus on doing what makes life meaningful for you. Volunteer work, spiritual practices and philosophical study can all give satisfaction. Don't be surprised when somebody starts treating you like a mentor.

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