
A powerful urge to change your priorities should be obeyed. Because you are extremely driven, you sometimes forget the simple pleasures of life. Take more time to commune with nature, talk with friends, take exercise and enjoy art. Break free of a gruelling routine. Your financial affairs will fluctuate, requiring you to adopt a more easy-going attitude about money. Instead of basing your personal worth on your bank account, you should take pride in qualities that go beyond status, income and influence.

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Spending time with friends helps you rest, relax and release stress. Instead of listening to your inner critic, take cues from optimistic friends. Their upbeat energy is infectious and can cultivate great happiness. Attracting love, luck and money will be simple. You're undergoing a radical change in self-awareness. Assumptions that no longer serve you are falling by the wayside, allowing you to adopt a more expansive view of the world. Instead of taking the safe route, you'll become more determined to pursue your heart's desire.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Your career is going extremely well. People are open to your innovative ideas and will help you develop bold projects. Expanding your customer base will be especially successful. People will appreciate it when you offer cost effective versions of specialised items. Surprising information about finances will come to light. Once you have the full picture, it will be easier to attract wealth. Conventional wisdom may have prompted you to accept an offer that seems lucrative, but costs more than you realise.

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People are seeking your expertise. Take a teaching job that involves living overseas. You'll develop a deep appreciation of your employer's country. Best of all, you will have a chance to explore surrounding areas, thanks to a generous policy for annual leave. If you're invited to join a group, accept. Getting to know other creative types will cause your own imagination to flourish. Ask a talented member of the team for feedback on a novel, song or design concept. Their suggestions will be helpful.

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You're starting to heal from a stubborn wound and it's a relief. Instead of dwelling on the past, stay focused on the present moment. Decide what you want from life in every area. Enjoying a passionate romance is a distinct possibility. An interesting career offer is on the way. Although the prospect of working for a start-up company doesn't thrill you, it is intriguing to think about working with highly affluent clients. Your ability to anticipate their desires makes you a great fit for this position.

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A new relationship brings zest and excitement to your life. It feels good to work with someone who has a kind heart and open mind. Whether you've fallen in love, are collaborating on an art project or developing a business, this alliance will benefit you both. Expanding your understanding of technical subjects will make you a hot commodity on the job market. If you want to get paid to travel the world, learn how to write computer code. Take a course in electronic repair. Teach cutting edge skills.

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Renewed health allows you to reach goals that were previously unattainable. It doesn't matter if you want to start your own business, embark on a love affair or strengthen your physique. The important thing is to pour all your energy into this lofty ambition. Old conditions are giving way to new ones, which is intimidating. Instead of assuming the changes ahead will be bad, adopt a more optimistic view. Be open to whatever comes. More money, a flexible schedule and passionate encounters are among the possibilities.

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You're in a playful mood. Thumbing your nose at the status quo makes some people laugh and others shake their heads at your disrespectful behaviour. You don't care, so long as you get a reaction. An irreverent humanitarian likes your style. Embarking on a whirlwind romance together is a distinct possibility. Do you already have a partner? Your amour will receive an unexpected windfall, allowing you both to purchase some creature comforts that make life much easier. Start shopping for a car or computer.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your emotional guidance system is urging you to make a change. Rather than putting up with an annoying situation, cultivate a better one. Begin by making a list of things you currently appreciate about your current situation, even if it's just the comfort of familiarity. When you feel good about your circumstances, they will improve. Dwelling on what you don't want will only attract more of the same. The choice is yours. An especially good job will be offered to you when you adopt an attitude of gratitude.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your communication skills are very strong, allowing you to connect with creative people who want to make something great. Recording a podcast, writing a book or composing music are among the possibilities. Brainstorming sessions will be both fun and stimulating. Romance will spice up your life. If you're single, this is a great time to get involved with someone with an earthy sense of humour. You'll keep each other laughing while building a life of ease and comfort. If you're happily hitched book a trip together.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Trust your instincts about making money. Conventional wisdom has rarely served you well. You fare much better when you're exploring new vistas and developing fresh ideas. Pursue a career in a field that encourages and rewards experimentation. Better yet, be a free agent. Big changes are occurring on the domestic front. You may need to relocate to another part of the world. Alternatively, an older relative could join your household or you could welcome a child into the ranks.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're long overdue for a makeover. Changing your appearance, image or outlook will help you turn dreams into reality. Stop conforming to a way of life that feels inauthentic. Wear what pleases you, change your name or adopt a new belief system. Getting involved with an unusual project in your community will be lots of fun. You'll enjoy making your neighbourhood a more stimulating place to live. Best of all, you'll make great new friends who share your artistic sensibilities.

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