
An issue which crops up in a group situation may mean you and your team mates must close ranks in order to triumph. You are the instigator of some strong willed teamwork to pull things together and win the day. Getting others to work as a team will reap more benefits than just the obvious ones: you will get on faster and more efficiently with a higher standard of work. All of which will be recognised by those in high places and as a result a few things may change.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Shared finances need attention especially if you're trying to hold yourself to a strict budget. A contemplative frame of mind prompts you to review your progress to date. Evening trends will see you pursuing your more social and romantic desires. Even so you're still acutely aware of what you can and can't afford. You'd rather settle for spending time with friends and loved ones and not a lot of money!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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The more interesting and varied your day, the more your creative and artistic abilities will come to the fore. Your company is in demand and there are several possible ways to spend your time. An invitation from an old friend sounds far too good to miss. You're putting energy and enthusiasm into current projects and your leaning towards joint endeavours could be better used in your work over the weeks ahead.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Resourceful is what you need to be when problems are thrown your way. These need to be solved and the consequences have to be lived with. The good news is you are well able to deal with the situation and the methods you use will be successful. So much so things may turn out better than they were in the first place! This will leave a number of people astounded. You might wish you could have avoided some situations but this won't stop you from dealing with it all in a positive way.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Joint financial matters may cause a moment's worry; you could do with finding new ways to increase your income. Someone may bring up something you have overlooked or forgotten about; you have no option but to hear them out. Break down complex matters and a solution won't be too difficult to find. The daylight hours may be stressful but the evening gives you the chance to socialise, let your hair down and have a good time.

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Confused arrangements get the day off to a slow start; a bright idea should get everything moving again. If you've had some differences with a friend, don't let these come between you over the coming festivities; be the first to suggest you put any misunderstandings behind you. Be sure too to make an effort to clear away outstanding debts or they will start to hinder your progress in the financial field.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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An argument with a friend could result in a parting of the ways unless one of you decides to back down. If a touchy topic must be discussed, you will get a better response if you wait until others are in a more receptive mood. A housemate or someone you work with would like the chance to prove themselves by tackling something they've never done before. They need your support; hold them back and they will resent it.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You may have gone to a lot of trouble preparing for visitors so you won't be pleased if they don't turn up as expected. Perhaps they will be late through no fault of your own so keep your feelings to yourself. Once things get underway, all your effort will prove to have been worthwhile after all. These days, your social life will be everything you're willing to make it when family and friends are quite happy to let you call the tune.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Be flexible if you're making travel arrangements; the more people involved the more difficult it will be! If everyone has different ideas, sit down and talk things through. You may not end up with what you had hoped for but you will make the most of whatever is agreed. If you're at work today, your ability to spot useful proposals among the mass of weird and wacky notions that come your way will meet with the approval of your associates.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're in one of your solitary moods, content to stay at home and do as little as possible. If a housemate decides to carry out a few repairs they're unlikely to do this quietly. Maybe they expect you to offer a helping hand. Even if this is just to speed things up you may reluctantly relent. By the end of the day you will admit to having found the experience quite entertaining!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Arrangements may not hold as much appeal now as when you made them. Instead, getting involved in group activities or voluntary work could put you into contact with a whole new group of people. A blind date will turn out surprisingly promising if you're single. If you already have an amour, you and your lover could indulge in some vigorous evening pastimes which will sweep away all the lethargy you were feeling earlier.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Once something has happened don't think there is nothing you can do about it. There is always something that can be done even if it is to admit to having made a mistake. You can't go through the whole of your life without making a few errors but the moment you start blaming other people or your tools, you distance yourself from any possible lesson. Admitting to what you have done and learning from the experience will help you deal with similar situations better in the future.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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