
Powerful emotions act as a catalyst. Moving in a different direction will be a relief. You're tired of going through the motions. Working towards a goal will consume lots of energy. You may not feel compelled to socialise after extensive networking sessions. Give yourself an opportunity to recuperate from your labours. You want to be energised for breaking a bad habit, getting out of debt or starting a savings account will fill you with optimism.

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If you're going to be successful, you must enlist the help of others. Your position isn't strong enough to achieve victory by yourself. Don't hesitate to reach out to an influential neighbour, friend or relative. They'll be happy to assist you. You've always been quick to come to the aid of those in need. All the good will you've created will be returned. It just goes to show how important it is to be kind whenever possible, whether you immediately benefit or not.

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You'll race through tasks like a hot knife through butter. Instead of adding more responsibilities to your list of things to do, take a break. Listening to relaxing music, reading an amusing book or watching an inspiring movie will recharge your batteries. Although you've always been very energetic, you should beware of burnout. Pushing yourself past the limits of physical endurance will take a serious toll on your health. Force yourself to be still, even if your restless nature pricks your conscience.

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If you face a romantic rival, it's time to step up your game. Don't be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve. The object of your affection will be moved by a passionate appeal for their heart. Playing it cool will make you lose ground to someone who isn't afraid to put their emotions on display. Are you in a committed relationship? Take this opportunity to write an ardent love letter. Everybody wants to feel desired and appreciated. Let your amour know how deeply you care.

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A family situation makes you moody and frustrated. An irresponsible relative refuses to change their bad behaviour. It may be necessary to withhold support until they reform. You hate to seem cold and unfeeling, but there is no other choice in the matter. Pretending everything is fine will just made a terrible situation worse. You might want to get some counselling while undergoing this pressure. Talking to an objective listener will be therapeutic. It isn't healthy to keep your feelings bottled up.

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Getting into a passionate debate offers lots of intellectual stimulation. You're tired of listening to uninformed opinions. Discussing an important matter with someone whose thinking you respect will be fun. Casual observers might think you're really angry at this individual. They don't understand how much admiration you have for someone who clearly knows their stuff. You're more interested in exploring all the nuances of an argument than agreeing on every point. In the end, you could become close friends with your opponent.

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You're more determined than ever to get paid what you are worth. If this means demanding a raise or finding another job, so be it. You've always had a reputation for being agreeable. That doesn't mean you are a pushover. Do some research on how much others in your field earn. By having these facts and figures at your disposal, you'll be able to make a compelling argument for more money. Don't be afraid to drive a hard bargain. You must defend your interests.

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You're headstrong and independent. Instead of going along with the crowd, you want to forge your own way. Whether this means launching a solo project or starting your own business is immaterial. The important thing is to follow your instincts. Some people will feel hurt by your decision to break away from the crowd. It can't be helped. If you waste time worrying about others, you'll miss a golden opportunity. Focus on your goal like a laser. Victory will be yours if you don't get cold feet.

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You've been harbouring unconscious resentments. This has caused you to lash out at people for seemingly minor transgressions. Instead of making mountains out of molehills, confront your feelings. Have you been blaming an innocent person for your own shortcomings? You're the only person responsible for your success. If you want to venture into a creative field or embark on a different career, get started. Stop making excuses for your indecision.

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Organising a group effort will be a good use of your energy. You know a great deal of talented people. Call on them for help with a humanitarian project. The pay may be non-existent, but the work will be fulfilling. It's especially important to show your appreciation for every participant. When everyone feels valued, they'll work their hardest to achieve victory. Don't be surprised when this effort gets lots of favourable publicity. People are eager to hear of good news for a change.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your desire for professional recognition is stronger than ever. You're tired of doing all the hard work while flashier rivals get all the glory. You will have an opportunity to take control of a chaotic situation. Your ability to get to the heart of the problem will help you achieve victory. Be ready to dismiss anyone who is too lazy or arrogant to work hard. Entrust eager hopefuls who want to climb the ladder of success. By putting together a team of talented beginners, you'll earn fame and acclaim.

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When in doubt, obey your conscience. You don't want to cut corners with an ethical matter. This may mean taking lots of time with a seemingly thankless task, but take heart. You will be rewarded for your painstaking performance. Someone who admires your refusal to cut corners will give you a promotion. Being able to get paid for doing rewarding work will be the answer to a prayer. You're tired of a predictable routine that has dulled your sensibilities.

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