
An exciting career opportunity will fall into your lap. This position will allow you to work independently. The prospect of escaping a micromanager is exciting. You've always wanted to call the shots at work. That's because you're a natural leader. Creating strategies and managing people come naturally to you. If you're happy with your current job, you may take the helm of a prominent organisation. Your primary goal should be fundraising. Tap into your extensive social network for donors.

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You're ready to venture into new territory. Taking an advanced training course, travelling to a foreign country or volunteering are all possibilities. It's important to explore bold ideas and share them. It's not enough to do your job and go home to the family. You need intellectual stimulation to thrive. Expanding your skill set and exploring unfamiliar vistas will make you a nuanced and interesting person. Don't be surprised when your social circle expands as a result of your adventure.

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Making your money stretch farther is your primary goal. Take this opportunity to open a savings or retirement account. Automatically divert a portion of your pay to this fund. Slowly but surely, you'll build a nest egg that will protect you from economic pressure. Are you in love? Take this opportunity to discuss the future with your partner. Formulating a plan together will strengthen your bond. It may be necessary to relocate for professional purposes. Be willing to take the plunge.

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Signing a contract or embarking on a romantic relationship will give you great happiness. Although you don't like being tied down, it's important to establish roots. Entering into a formal agreement will bring tremendous emotional security. It will be a relief to know when you're next getting paid, or that someone special is waiting at home for you. A gregarious person like you needs others to thrive. Stop avoiding commitments. Let down your defences with trustworthy people.

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This is the best time of the entire year to launch a fitness regime. This can include eating healthier food, getting more sleep and taking regular exercise. Resist the temptation to go on a fad diet or high intensity workout routine. Slow and steady wins the race. It takes thirty days to establish a habit, so let that be your goal. By this time next month, it will seem like second nature to make good decisions about your wellbeing.

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You're highly attractive to romance. If you're single, you will meet someone special while walking the dog, strolling through the park or getting some light exercise. Keep your eyes open for someone with great bone structure. You will feel an immediate connection. Are you already in a relationship? You and your amour should take a holiday together. Visiting a mountain resort will be a great way to reconnect. Alternatively, you might prefer to tour a glittering metropolis.

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If you're thinking about moving, this is the best time of the entire year to do so. You'll be able to find a place that seems tailored to your needs. Make a list of things you want before viewing properties. Having a clear idea of your dream abode is half the battle. Are you going to stay put? Use your considerable taste to create a beautiful haven from the outside world. Add a soft rug and low lights to a cold, forbidding space.

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Launching a promotional campaign will pay off handsomely. Be sure to emphasise your experience. This will help you attract appreciative customers. You want to work with people who value an expert opinion. Let everybody else go to cut rate competitors. If you have a chance to travel for business, do it. Getting paid to see the world is definite perk of the job. Fortunately, you have a knack for mixing work with pleasure. Signing a new client will bring long term financial security.

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Keep your career plans secret. You don't want to let a rival know what you're going to do next. Moving up the ladder to success will take time and patience. Find opportunities at your current job to expand your skill set. If your employer offers to pay for additional training, take advantage of the situation. You'll enjoy working with a flexible teacher. If you have a hard time grasping a concept, this instructor will present the information in a different way.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Follow your impulses. As a general rule, you like making careful plans. Give yourself permission to be more spontaneous. If you want to go on a short trip, do so. You'll enjoy trying new restaurants, stores and beauty spots. There's a chance you will come across some a beautiful handmade item that will fit in perfectly with your decor. Go ahead and spend a little more money than usual. This keepsake will quickly become one of your most treasured possessions.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're ready to let go of a past injustice and move towards the future. If someone treated you badly and hasn't reformed, keep your distance. You don't have to forgive them, but you shouldn't allow them to have any more influence on your life. Wipe the slate clean. Be more discerning about the company you keep. Treat yourself with respect. Building stronger boundaries and promoting your interests will improve your career prospects.

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This is a good time to make a rational decision. In the past, you got bogged down in emotions, which made it impossible to move forward. Instead of dwelling on a recent disappointment, build a new dream. Take practical steps to realise it. Whether this means getting an advanced degree, learning a foreign language or acquiring marketable skills is immaterial. The important thing is to make temporary sacrifices for your long term future. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

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