
Someone will lie through their teeth when they do disown them and don't travel if you're in a temper. You're so wrapped up in small details you fail to see the big picture so take a moment to adjust your focus. A loved one is more concerned with your feelings than your bank account. Spend this weekend talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. Make "money" a dirty word these next few days.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Passions ablaze throughout the day, which is very sexy but also very argumentative, watch out. You may be wary about making investments with your conservative approach to cash, but it's the best way to increase your future security. Half the battle is arming yourself with knowledge. Take a class in money management or get easy to use software for your PC. You may be surprised how easy it is to make a handsome profit by putting a small portion of your earnings into stocks and bonds.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Your feelings are wounded by someone dear but tit for tat will make your affair untenable later. Beware of being too familiar with a person, as an ambitious soul may have their eye on your position. You're such an upbeat person that it's hard for you to think ill of folks. But unfortunately, that's just why so many people are jealous of you. Keep personal and professional information to yourself, or you'll lose out.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Feeling hot, flushed or plain worn out, then take it easy as you'll do more damage let loose. Pitting people against each other may let you off the hook, but it's ultimately the ball will come back firmly in your court. Stay out of squabbles whenever possible, and resist the urge to spread gossip. The reason you want to make all this mischief is because you hate being held liable for a possible failure. Do something useful that doesn't incur the wrath of anyone else.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Pent-up anger is directed at yourself, as you can't believe you handed a chance for you on a plate to a rival. After a hard week like this one, you've earned the right to kick up your heels! Go out and have fun; a newcomer to your usual haunt may give you the glad eye. If you sense someone is looking at you romantically then you're right. The question is how far should you take this a wee snogette and that's it or what?

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Changes at home or in the family is good for you but don't let the sun go down on a row. If you're in the mood to enjoy yourself then do it. You can either throw open where you live or you can go out on the town. By the way a fire hazard shows in your stars so if you know a gadget or gizmo is not on its best behaviour repair it or buy a new one. Tonight is wonderful for live entertainment or performance.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Someone is going to cheese you off and one tiny thing will make you blow your top can you afford to? You may feel dissatisfied with where you live but before you start looking to move ask yourself is this just a momentary lapse of love for your community or much more than that. Give it a day or two before you mooch through the estate agents. Setting down roots in a new neighbourhood could radically improve your spirits. If that means separating from a difficult relationship, so be it.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A financial fight is brewing taking a lawyer's advice could save you pride as much a cash. Communications and short distance travel are all involved in this economic flurry. Keep your mobile phone or be available at all times, as you won't want to miss any messages that will give you news of war or peace. More favourably anything to do with the computers, web sites and the Internet is a boon to you but don't take any hard sell from a fiery man.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Impetuous action means you have to live with the consequences so look before you leap. It's hard to establish healthy habits with those close to you, especially when they seem intent on discouraging you. Perhaps they're afraid you will no longer care for them once you've changed your ways. This may be true, especially if the person in question seems committed to misery. Do what is best for you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're too wound up in the past to sort out the present lose the guilt and you'll find a way. A person is interfering and although they're really only trying to help you, you wish they wouldn't! Your tendency to cut yourself off from the world when things go wrong is actually very damaging to your emotional health. Don't be afraid to reach out to others when you feel low. That's what friends and family are for.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Steer clear of active sports or pastimes and stick to creative hobbies that use your ingenuity. Reading biographies about great people can give you insight to a difficult personal issue. The key to surviving ups and downs is to have a strong spiritual core. This may seem a threatening idea to a rationalist like you but it's not. Try to embrace the more mystical elements of the Universe. We're all small miracles and in your case a pretty big one.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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More haste less speed in an ambition or you'll end up careering headlong into someone's ego. Getting small tasks accomplished is preferable to dealing with larger issues. Make a list of all the things you need to get sorted. By the time you're finished, you'll feel less overwhelmed and better able to deal with the stress in your personal life. Take things one step at a time and you'll cope admirably.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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