
Joining a club or organisation will be more difficult than you think. You don't have the resources to take out a membership. Going into debt to pay your dues is a mistake. Wait until you're more secure before signing up. A relative or neighbour might promise financial help, but they won't be able to deliver. Stay calm and wait for better times. Right now, you have to focus on putting one foot in front of the other, instead of making a big leap.

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Attaining a career objective will be difficult. A binding agreement won't allow you to take a new job. Instead of cursing your luck, bide your time. A bigger and better opportunity will arrive when it is more convenient. Friends aren't very supportive right now, because as far as they're concerned, you're on easy street. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just because you have a steady income doesn't mean you are happy. It will help to count your blessings, just to ease your frustration.

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You won't be able to explore greener pastures, thanks to a work commitment. This is really disappointing but it can't be helped. Leaving your post without permission will damage your reputation. Fulfil your obligations without complaint. Your boss may not be satisfied with the results. It's difficult to please this perfectionist. Instead of pouring all of your time and energy into work, find a pleasant diversion. Striving for balance is important during times of trial. Having a satisfying personal life mitigates a difficult professional one.

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It will be difficult to get your hands on a legal settlement, inheritance, or insurance payment. The powers that be are making all sorts of excuses to withhold this money. That makes it difficult to move forward with holiday plans. You won't have the time or resources to go away with this issue gnawing away at you. It looks like you'll have to postpone this trip. If you have to hire a lawyer, ask a trusted friend for a recommendation. Check this professional's background before putting them on a retainer.

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A new business or romantic partnership will be difficult to navigate. Try not to impose your family's way of doing things onto your comrade. If the two of you are going to get along, you'll have to be more flexible. Money will be a source of contention. One of you is a spender and the other a saver. There is no inherently right attitude towards finance. You have to cultivate one that makes sense for both of your needs. Adopting an all or nothing approach will be disastrous.

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It will be difficult to establish a new routine, thanks to a stubborn neighbour or relative. This pest is intent on maintaining the status quo, even if it's inconvenient for you. Ordinarily, you'd pack up and move on to greener pastures, regardless of the consequences. Unfortunately, there are some innocent victims who will be harmed by such actions. Take a deep breath and bide your time. A good job offer will arrive if you remain patient and keep your eyes open.

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Doing things your own way simply isn't an option. You long to relax and have fun, but financial obligations are calling. Your boss might ask you to work while everyone else goes on holiday. Although this is a bitter pill, you must swallow it. By accepting this assignment with quiet good grace, you'll be able to get a favour later on. Think in terms of your long term prospects. It will be difficult to work while your employer is short staffed, but do your best.

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Your living situation is about to change, which is stressful. It may be necessary to find a new place to live. Don't be too demanding or set in your ways when viewing properties. Pretending to dislike a nice home as a means to get the price down will backfire. If you can't seem to find the perfect place for you, you might have to rent a flat or apartment for a wee while. Staying with loved ones isn't such a good idea. It could place unnecessary strain on a perfectly good relationship.

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Play your cards carefully. Don't reveal plans to others, or a rival will steal your thunder. A class or writing project may not come to fruition, so it's too early to discuss. Someone who is jealous of your talent is working behind the scenes to block your path. It may be inevitable that you will have to change course at the last minute. If this happens, stay calm. You'll find a fresh opportunity, but only after you ask your nearest and dearest for help.

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It's difficult to make a decision. There is a great deal of money at stake, so you must make a move very soon. Ignore a friend who wants you to take the traditional route. Unless you move with the times, your prospects will suffer. It's possible you will have to fire some people or put them on suspension, just to make ends meet. If you're the victim of a layoff, take time to grieve and lick your wounds.

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You long to strike in a new direction, but that simply isn't possible now. Career responsibilities force you to stay in one spot. Resist the urge to quit, as you need a stable income. You aren't getting much creative fulfilment from this situation, but sometimes it's better to have security than stimulation. Resist the urge to spend money on expensive luxuries. By adopting a humble attitude, you'll pass this test and reap rich rewards. It's all a matter of being patient.

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Don't believe a sob story. A manipulator will say or do anything to get money from you. Unfortunately, you've got a soft heart and are vulnerable to such requests. Stop to think what a rod you might be making for your own back by allowing and permitting someone's bad behaviour. You work too hard to waste valuable resources on con artists. A stern instructor will doubt you have done all the work on an impressive project. Try not to get defensive or you will feed their suspicion.

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