
Dwelling on negative thoughts is making you unpopular. Nobody likes a person who is always bringing them down with gloomy predictions. Look within to find where this bad attitude originates. If you've been disappointed, try reversing the energy. Perform a random act of kindness for a stranger. Give a relative a sincere compliment. Tell a store manager about the wonderful service you received from an employee. Soon, your bitterness will disappear and you'll radiate contentment. When faced with darkness, light a candle.

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A friend has been secretly resentful of your success. If you start receiving some back handed compliments, stop the conversation. Ask for the real meaning behind these remarks. These deflating remarks can have a negative impact on your self esteem. You try your best to share your good fortune. You never begrudge anyone of their happiness. Therefore, you deserve to be treated with the same kindness. Life is too short to waste on unsupportive relationships.

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Be scrupulously honest at work. If you make a mistake, own up to it. Bring the matter to your superior's attention. You don't want anyone else to suffer from this setback. There is a chance you will be dismissed from your duties. Remain philosophical if this happens. The Universe may be trying to put you in a different direction. Find a line of work that resonates with your value system. It's not enough just to be earning. You should have an emotional investment in the work you perform.

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Don't put all your faith in one individual. When it comes to solving problems, it's best to rely on yourself. You have been blessed with remarkable executive ability. This allows you to make quick decisions during times of trial. If you always obey your principles, you'll maintain your self respect. You may get in trouble with the authorities from time to time, but that's a small price to pay. It's better to err on the side of justice than kowtow to corrupt individuals.

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It's important to be a good steward of financial resources. If you're not a good money manager, take a course in the subject. Fortunately, you won't have to forgo luxuries to make the most of your income. It's simply a matter of putting yourself on a sensible budget. When you feel the urge to splash out on something special, be mindful about what you buy. Opt for things that bring long term, profound pleasure. Impulse purchases are usually a cause for regret. Think before opening your wallet.

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Telling the truth to your best friend or romantic partner will be difficult. You're ashamed to admit a terrible mistake. The sooner you get this issue off your chest, the better you will feel. You want a chance to rectify this problem. That can't happen if you continue pretending everything is fine. Have you been irresponsible with money? You will have to forgo some personal purchases to make up the difference. Are you involved in an inappropriate relationship? Cut ties with the third party immediately.

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You are tempted to shirk your responsibilities. This will do serious harm to your reputation. Someone who has grown to respect you will be devastated by your bad behaviour. Summon your courage and do what is expected of you. There will be plenty of time to rest and relax later. Being present for a loved one will keep them from developing trust issues. You may not be perfect, but at least you're consistent. This makes up for a variety of sins.

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Don't neglect your creative side. It's been too long since you spent time on artistic pursuits. Now is a good time to rectify the problem. Put work on the back burner and focus on the finer things of life. You don't have to have any tremendous breakthroughs. Just doing some work here and there will be satisfying. When you let your imagination take over, life becomes more manageable. Brilliant solutions to stubborn problems arrive out of thin air.

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You're not in the mood to meet people. The prospect of spending time alone is soothing. Force yourself to mix with your nearest and dearest. These loved ones will cause your sadness to lift. They know you have a tendency to look on the dark side when political events are troubling. Allow yourself to be cheered up by their irreverent jokes and teasing. The world is a much better place than the television news would have you believe. Kind individuals are a counterbalance to oppressive forces.

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It's difficult to absorb a complicated subject. Stop beating yourself up for having to check notes and ask questions. The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be to grasp this elusive subject. If you fail a few tests or do poorly on papers, chalk it up to the learning experience. After a few false starts, you'll gain some traction and pull ahead of your peers. By the end of the course, you'll be considered one of the most knowledgeable members of the group.

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You will have to work harder if you're going to increase your income. If lack of education is a problem find a way to gather the education or experience your need. Earn a qualification in an up and coming field where there is great demand for skilled workers. This will give you a choice of several attractive job offers. Being forced to subsist on crumbs has become tiring. You're ready to feast on a banquet. It will take time to reach your goal, but diligence is your strong suit.

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If you aren't sure which direction to take, flip a coin. At this point, it is better to make a decision than keep chewing things over. Accepting a difficult job assignment will pay off handsomely. At first, you will struggle to learn the ropes. After sticking with the project, you'll get the handle of things and earn your boss's respect. Don't be surprised when you're given a big promotion after a trial period. What starts as a disaster will end as a personal triumph.

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