
A good friend, a romantic or a business partner has made many sacrifices on your behalf. Now it's time to return the favour. Instead of accepting a demanding position, think about maintaining the status quo. Staying where you are will create a secure foundation for your other half. While you're holding down the fort, they can pursue an advanced degree, travel abroad or start their own business. It's a noble gesture that will make your bond virtually indestructible.

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Work has become unpleasant. Someone who insists on publicly airing their political and religious beliefs has made the environment toxic. It's time to talk to those who can help. When your boss understands how everyone's work performance is being inhibited, they'll move to correct the problem. Is your employer the source of the problem? Take this as a sign to find a better position. Stop telling yourself you are stuck. You can find a happier situation; it's a matter of being both positive and diligent.

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You're having lots of fun, but it's time to go back to work. Neglecting your duties will cause serious financial problems. It's important to keep an income stream flowing, if only to pay your bills. Are you hopelessly in debt? You may be tempted to throw caution to the wind and buy a lot of creature comforts. Before you splash out on clothes, electronics and status symbols, talk to a professional money expert. They'll help you formulate a plan that will put you on the path to economic independence.

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It's understandable you want to protect your family from hardship. Constantly fighting their battles will create an unhealthy dynamic. At some point, you must let your relatives handle their own problems. They'll make many mistakes, but these errors will be empowering. Once you learn what not to do, it becomes much easier to cultivate success. If a grown up child has got into the habit of asking for money, turn down their request. The sooner they're able to support themselves, the happier they will be.

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Flattery will get you nowhere. Heaping someone with compliments will ultimately harm your reputation. The last thing you want is to be labelled an opportunist. If you dislike someone in power, do your best to be civil. Exhibiting grace under fire will earn the admiration of others. Someone who has extensive connections will come forward with another opportunity for advancement. It may not be exactly what you had planned, but this offer will put you on a much better path.

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Throwing money at a problem won't make it go away. There are better things to do with your hard earned cash than waste it on frivolous baubles that quickly lose their charm. There's nothing wrong with indulging your sensual side, so long as you do it in a mindful way. If you're simply trying to use creature comforts as a distraction from pain, take another path. Be willing to experience the upsetting emotions that wash over you. After grieving your disappointment, you can formulate a healthier plan for recovery.

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Beware of self-obsession. Getting too wrapped up in personal matters will damage family relationships. If you're considering a big change, think about how this move will affect your nearest and dearest. It's important to discuss their fears and concerns. Don't blow off their remarks; really listen to them and show you understand. Even if you're determined to make this transition, you can make it easier for your loved ones. Spend quality time together. Offer reassurance when you can and practical help when it's needed.

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Indulging in vices will be serious cause for regret. Although it's nice to retreat to a private world where nobody else can disturb you, this impulse quickly becomes unhealthy. People who trust and rely on you will feel alienated. You'll begin resenting those who honestly want to connect with you. Instead of being pleasant to others, you'll become sulky and resentful. You're better than this. If you can't share a pleasurable activity, there's a good chance you shouldn't be doing it. Instead of turning inward, reconnect with your loved ones.

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Friends will invite you on an expensive outing. Although it will be tempting to join them, you'll be better served by saving your money. Be honest about why you are turning down this exciting offer. When your nearest and dearest understand your financial situation, they'll be more sensitive. Don't be resentful while they're away. Instead, take this opportunity to tidy your surroundings and clear out the clutter. This will show the Universe you're ready to make a fresh start on the economic front.

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No matter how pleasant you are, you'll never get into someone's good books. For some reason, this powerful individual seems intent on putting you down. Rather than endure this abuse, start looking for another opportunity. If you feel like you're being squeezed out of your chosen field, don't panic. This may be the Universe's way of redirecting your course. Be willing to explore other industries that need people with your skill set. It will be such a relief to join a company that appreciates your contributions.

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It's not necessary to tolerate someone who is disrespectful of your views. You can agree to disagree, avoiding sensitive topics like the plague. If you're dealing with a pest who enjoys tormenting you with provocative remarks, it's time to back away. Having this negative energy in your life will undermine your progress. The fastest way to fulfil your considerable potential is to surround yourself with supportive friends. Leave the haters behind; they're not worthy of your time, resources or attention.

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Being in love is wonderful, but it doesn't absolve you of responsibility. Resist the temptation to skip work for the sake of spending time with your amour. The last thing you want is to be fired from a good job. If you're having difficulty finding love, it may be because you are in a precarious financial situation. Landing a steady job with a good salary will turn things around for you. If you must undergo additional training, do it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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