
It's time to face the reality of a difficult situation; if a close relationship isn't working out, you need to make a clean break. You've wasted a lot of time, money, and emotional energy on them. Hanging on will only deplete you of even more resources. If you are single, it may be because you move too fast in the early stages of a romance. Focus on becoming friends before taking things to a physical level or things will burn out too quickly.

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Lower your employment expectations; right now, everybody is struggling to hang on to their jobs. Asking for a raise or special privileges could make your boss really angry. Yes, you're overdue for advancement, but there simply isn't money in the budget for it. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, devise an alternate plan. Spending more time on creative activities after hours can be rewarding. This may even inspire you to open your own business.

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Although you've always been very open minded, you need to set some standards or you'll find yourself having to tolerate all sorts of insane behaviour. If a friend or relative has been testing your boundaries, get ready to put your foot down. It's not that you want to pass judgment on their choices, but you have to admit their decisions have left a trail of innocent victims. Until you call them out, they'll continue to wreak havoc on the world.

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You could be overextended as far as money is concerned. Instead of racking up more credit card debt, you need to pay down your bills. If that prospect seems overwhelming, you should contact a financial expert who can help consolidate your debt and reduce your interest rate. By paying off a set amount of money each month while refusing to use your credit cards, you'll be back in the black. Don't try to buy a youngster's affection, it won't work.

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You are expecting too much of a loved one, and it's putting a strain on your relationship. Take a more nurturing line. They have bent over backwards to accommodate you. The least you can do is to give them a token of your appreciation. A meal at their favourite restaurant, tickets to a hot play, or a gift certificate to a popular store are all good choices. Give careful thought to this person's taste. The best sort of present is something very personal.

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Your daily routine has become overwhelming. Cutting back your hours is critical to your emotional and physical health. If you're saddled with family responsibility, you need to pass on some of your chores to other relatives. Perhaps you can get some professional help to relieve you of certain tasks. If your job involves long hours, seek a less demanding position. The pay won't be as good, but at least you'll be able to get some much needed rest.

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Overindulging in fun can be very costly. Maybe it would be better to find more inexpensive amusements. For instance, you can read, rent movies, or practice cooking instead of going out. If you're out of work, finding work may be tough. Try not to be discouraged. Friends can give you the support you need to withstand this difficult time so don't be downcast. This experience can teach you valuable things about your attitudes.

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You may be putting too much stock in what your family thinks. At some point, you need to lead your own life. If it means dating someone your relatives don't like or pursuing a job that earns their disapproval, so be it. You have much different needs than those of your kin. Until they learn to accept this, you'll always be at odds and they may not be receptive to your particular brand of charm. Don't make a move until you know each other better.

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You can't be in two places at once. Cancelling an appointment will make a friend angry, but there's nothing else you can do. The next time someone asks you to do something, check your calendar. That way, you'll avoid such problems in the future. Refrain from making helpful suggestions at work. Your advice will be taken as criticism. Take up something that gives you pleasure. Spending time alone will help you recharge your spiritual batteries.

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Putting too much emphasis on money will make you miserable. Instead of dwelling on all the things you want which you can't afford, focus on the blessings you currently enjoy. If you have a job which is crushing your soul, seek an opportunity that is more in line with your interests. You may have to take a pay cut, but it's better than being miserable all day. A friend could break their promise. Have a backup plan ready just in case.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Try not to be too hard on yourself, especially where work is concerned. If you haven't attained the career success you desired, remain patient. There's still time to achieve your goals. Alternatively, it may be best to change industries. You're a visionary person who needs a job that rewards innovation. Broadcasting, research, or the arts are all areas you may want to explore. A parent may express disappointment over a recent decision you've made.

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It's all well and good to champion the underdog, but misplaced sympathy can get you in trouble. Somebody who knows of your soft heart could hit you up for money, a job, or a favour. Extending such a courtesy will get you in trouble. You need to learn how to say 'no.' Yes, there's a chance you will become unpopular, but it's better than someone taking advantage of you. Don't contradict a teacher. You need to defer to the experts today.

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