
You can't always get what you want, and it's especially apparent today. It looks like you'll have to cancel personal plans for the sake of a social obligation. Instead of dwelling on all the fun you could be having, focus on the task at hand or you'll make yourself miserable. On the plus side, your wit and charm make you a popular figure wherever you go. If you play your cards right, you could win a powerful female executive to your side.

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It's important to let a loved one make their own mistakes even though the prospect of them taking the wrong path terrifies you. What you don't realise is your overprotective behaviour is robbing your friend of skills. We've all got to deal with the harsh realities of life. If you continue to baby the people you love, they'll become entirely dependent on you. That's not a recipe for a healthy relationship. Untie the apron springs and let the chips fall where they may.

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Resist the urge to spread gossip. Even if you do have some juicy information, keep it to yourself or your reputation will suffer. People love hearing your exciting stories but they're very wary about trusting you with personal details, and with good reason. No matter what you hear about an unpopular colleague or neighbour, keep it to yourself. This will be a good practice. You have to admit, exercising restraint has always been a challenge for you.

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You cling to home like a barnacle to a rock. Unfortunately, you've got to venture forth into the real world today. Put on your most attractive outfit, take pains with your toilette, and go forth with a smile on your face. The more appealing you are, the more readily favours will be granted. This is especially true with regard to money. A loan, grant, or scholarship can be yours, provided you work hard for it. Fortunately, you're very good at political posturing.

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Try not to take everything personally. A loved one may be preoccupied with a challenging career matter. Instead of railing against their selfishness, offer your support. Running errands for your friend will take a tremendous burden from their shoulders. If somebody isn't able to attend a party or honour a promise, stay calm. We all have a tendency to overextend ourselves. By giving your chum a break, you'll go a long way towards strengthening your relationship.

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You've got to toughen up and accept the challenges ahead. The more you complain, the longer the day will drag on. Just roll up your sleeves and get to work. Every time you feel the urge to bemoan your fate, think of how much worse things could be. Making a list of your blessings can help you maintain the positive attitude you need. When you think about it, you're really very lucky. This is especially true with regard to an intimate relationship.

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Freedom is an illusion; whether you admit it or not, you are tied to a number of people and organisations. Honouring your obligations will put you in a much better mood. Get started early in the day. That way, you'll be able to spend the evening doing whatever you please. Donating your time to a charitable cause will be more enjoyable than you think. Keep your eyes open for an energetic woman with a great sense of humour.

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Scheming your way to the top will backfire spectacularly. You're better off reaching the heights through good, old fashioned work. Whoever told you contacts are more important than talent was wrong. The only reason you haven't reached your goal is because you lack experience. Keep chipping away. Yes, the road will be long and arduous, but the rewards are worth it. A gift for music, art, or dance needs to be developed. Turn a deaf ear to cynics who think creative pursuits are a waste of time.

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Other people's views are just as valid as yours. Resist the temptation to get into a moral superiority contest or you could drive happiness from your door. The person you are always criticising may ultimately prove a good friend. By joining forces, you'll be able to make a courageous move which once filled you with fear. Sometimes a preoccupation with ethics is really a smokescreen for hang ups. Throw off those self imposed social constraints and do something bold.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You may be getting paranoid over an intimate relationship. Be generous towards a friend who has always been there for you in the past. Sharing resources with them will pay off. Yes, others have taken advantage of you in similar circumstances. This situation is different, though. The person who is asking for your help has pure motives. They've proved that through both actions and deeds. It's the least you can do to lend your assistance.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't let appearances fool you. Normally, you're indifferent to what people wear. Today someone who looks posh could pull the wool over your eyes. Conversely, a person who looks down on their luck may actually be flush with cash. Treat everyone equally, especially if you're trying to sell something. Good news regarding a female relative or neighbour is music to your ears. It's a relief to know this lady is going to prevail over a recent hardship.

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Dwelling on a minor ache or pain will only make it worse. Try to rise above your discomfort, especially if you have a lot of chores to do. Staying in motion can provide relief. A lucrative job assignment could fall in your lap. This is your big chance to make money from your innovative and individual creative talent so don't be afraid to set a high price for this job. People are willing to pay you good money for your work.

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